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Posts posted by Stelknecht

  1. First impressions from a noob


    Really liking the mod. Some of the frustrating shortages (honey, antib) really create a sense of desperation. I must have eaten broken glass 15 times before I accumulated enough skill points to multi into medic, but now I really feel I've earned my sense of security.


    Enjoy most of the crafting, but do find it a little frustrating that some things are so gated; still have to have an advanced campfire, even though I have a working stove, to make herbal antib. Seems like the oven should be able to cook anything the campfire can.


    Spears are brilliant. Any more weapons planned? Starting in blades, it took me a long time to appreciate the extra reach a spear gave me and I spitefully used a tracker knife for a while until I realized that dying of infection from bites was just not fun.


    What's a good next class? Got blades and medic, and I'm thinking Farmer. Fairly secure base, although I keep isolated horde night bases around.


    Anyhow, thanks for making it available. Really adding a lot of replayability and enjoyable "hard mode" gaming for me.

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