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Posts posted by Staraway

  1. Xyth proposed a interesting compromise. Let the farmer autoupgrade the box as long as there are snow balls available?


    I don't agree about autoupgrade the box, same the generators, you must go to refuel it. Maybe just increase "melt" time. This mod is Starvation, just the name of it say it all.

  2. Is the farm storage upgraded with ice? We still didnt change that.


    So need to be upgraded with ice? Damn I must do it, didn't know. Sorry for wasting time. Thank you


    *Ok now she is working :)


    And yes, choose carefully the place to have your tower. They are not the smartest people on earth


    hauhauahuhaahuahua, a friend of mine ask why NPC survivors farting, burping so much, too much... hahahahaha

  3. Speaking of NPCs. I recently built the Radio Tower and the NPCs that spawn nearby seem to be quite chaotic in their behavior.

    They will ascend nearby ladders and often they would jump into my trap pit (full of spikes) and die.

    Telling them to stand still doesn't seem to make them stay for long.

    I try to deploy them as fast as possible and then disable the power feed for the tower so they don't screw around the base.


    Oh and I will never forget that a**hole who spawned in my crops field and decided to have a walk straight through every plant and destroyed all in process.


    I built the Radio Tower on the roof and put aroud it 10x10x2 Wood frame to avoid them to go far and do their stupid things.

  4. If you interact a 2nd time, the menu should popup


    Yes, menu it working well, but npc not do anything, we put every seed requested:


    Low tier: plantedBlueberry3Harvest,AppleTree1 and blueberrySeed,appleSeed


    but she does nothing, just standing, putted down 2 farm storage behinde her, fridge with 20 corn bread, actually she eats, sleeping, farting and burping haahhah good life but not working.

  5. Recently me and my friends try the NPC survivor farmer, I think there is issue with it.

    Farmer not working and the first thing popup in the console when we interact with her is:


    ArgumentException: Getting Control 2's position in a group with only 2 controls when doing Repaint Aboting

    ArgumentException: Getting Control 0's position in a group with only 0 controls when doing Repaint Abotingve


    Have any ideaabout it? Thank you


  6. [*]dogs should be working better, and eating properly. They shouldn't get stuck so often, but remember to "disown" (issue order 6) your dogs if you want to leave them breeding, since they'll behave better that way without constantly trying to reach you to play or ask for food. That shouldn't be mandatory though, with the new code.


    [*]farm animals and dogs shouldn't need a second taming action now. They should work as usual... If you still have animals returning "tamed=false", you still need to grab them.


    Dogs fixed, back to eat, awesome! I also mentioned about pigs not eating... now they are fixed too,


    Fantastic! Thank you again Mortelentus!

  7. I'm actually gonna do a patch today that will hopefully improve dogs getting stuck (they're usually looking for the owner when that happens), and will remove the need for that second "taming" action....


    It will also change the winter temperature management, and it is a client / server update.


    WOW, very fast as always. Thank you!

  8. is it winter time (always snowing) ? Btw, dogs and animals need no water atm.


    We are playing day 320, I red in the starvationweather.xml that the last day is 250 or around there. We still "have it disable" for now. We should modify the file in few days to have it enable :)


    Ok , no water for them


    PS -pigs and farm animals are definitely eating as long as they're tamed...


    Yes, most of them are eating and all of them are tamed, only pigs aren't eating but they are tamed.

    I don't know if Chicken and Rabbits are actually considered farm animals, but they can't be tamed...

  9. Chickens and rabbits only reproduce in chicken coops and rabbit hutches, completely different then other animals... No idea about dogs, will have to check them but don't expect that to be done very quickly... I need a break from animals.


    Remember a VERY IMPORTANT THING: animals and dogs NEED A CLEAR PATH to food. Otherwise, they wont eat.



    Chicken and Rabbits: Yes, we already craft coops and hutches for them :(

    Dogs: we built a 5x5x5 room just fort them... one room for each dog with same size, breeder in a spot, their bed in another spot ecc.


    but don't expect that to be done very quickly... I need a break from animals.

    Take your time! still happy you reply in few minutes, Thank you!

  10. Hello, first i want to thank you for your great work at the starvation mod.


    We still got some problems with the farm animals, they don't eat or breed and still don't die. When I am checking them with E, it says they are not tamed, I whipped them and put them down again, but they are still not tamed. What am I doing wrong?


    Same for the dogs, they don't eat or drink, but they breed and die.


    I searched for the *.anm files to delete them, like you said in the patch notes, but I did not find anything on client and server. Where are they located?


    We have the same problem my friend :(

    most of the animals come back to eat and can be tamed after pick them up and put them down.

    Only Rabbit, Pig (tamed), Chicken are not eating now, the others are eating a lot, maybe too much :)

    and dogs are not eating aswell.


    About this *.anm file I'm still not sure if only the HOST must delete them all or Client too.

    Anyway *.anm are in: C:\Users\xxxxx1\AppData\Roaming\7DaysToDie\Saves\xxxxx2\xxxxx3\MorteAnimals


    xxxxx1) your Username

    xxxxx2) it depends if you started server with Navezgane or Random Gen

    xxxxx3) your Player Name

  11. Hey there,

    After the new patch released, me and my friends are very happy that animals... not all, come back to eat and reproduce.

    Not all because... Rabbit, Pig (tamed), Chicken still not eating. (We have already built, even before the patch, a place with roof where they can stay.)


    Before the patch Dogs had problems too about eating, and still have this issue. We try to put them down, put breeders and inside of it murky water and dog cookies, still not eating :( sob. I think is bugged too now, because they don't die. Before patch after 7-8 hours they were starting to "cry" and after few hours die, dissapear.

    Can you please help to fix this?

    Thank You very much for your hardwork!

  12. There was a quick patch to address bee items and sniper bandits, but due to some internal disagreement it wasn't anounced. Its still available for both client and server, and i've been too busy to touch any modding, unfortunately.


    As for animals they're still working on my tests. Try picking them a placing them again, but i'll check them when i can.



    We will be doing another official patch soon enough, i hope.



    I already post about this issue. We are in private co-op party of 4 and almost everything works fine but pet,DOG not rare ones, they don't eat and die. We put food "Dog Cookies" and Murky Water in the "Breeders" but no decrease. Already try to pick them up and replace, still don't eat. I also try it alone in single player, same issue :miserable:

    Cow, sheep are working fine, they eat normaly... actually pigs are not reproducing at all and don't eat


    Thank you for keep this mod updated :) having so much fun

  13. Dog doesn' t eat


    After my first post here in forum about MP taming dog and claim ownership issue, in few days you release the fix.

    Thank you very much, happy now to see it working but....

    I think still have some issue about... "breeders"

    2 dogs already dead because they doesn't eat, we put dogs cookies and murky water in the breeders but they still doesn' t eat.

    we follow each step in Wikidot http://starvationmod.wikidot.com/dogs1 page but still can't find any solution to it.

    Hope fix this, Thank you again for fast response.

  14. Dog taming ownership bugged?


    Hi there,

    Me and My friends playing in a private coop 4 people and have issue with ownership the dog.

    Using collar and beat dog nothing happen to 3 of us, only one succeed... guess who? The host is the only one can own the dog, how can we fix this, is this a bug? Please help

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