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Posts posted by Nightspawn

  1. I have started off as the farmer class, found a nice place, hunkered down and placed my mortar and pestal, red all of my skills etc and I cant craft any seeds ;-; is there something I am missing? Sadly farmers are a rare race so I cant just watch someone else do a playthrough and see if I missed something lol

  2. If I wanted to lower the spawn rate would I have to change it for every entry of every zombie added or is there a universal controller for this? I love this mod but kinda wanna work my way up to the insane spawn levels of zombies lmao

  3. I am also crashing when I once had no issues. Valmod now crashes straight to the desktop before even loading in items. Fresh install also does this, I have 32 gigs of ram, galax gtx 1080 ti and 7700k cpu, ran off of an ssd. So I am 100% sure my pc can handle the modpacks I am attempting to run.


    EDIT: interestingly enough, only simple mode crashes the modpacks, once I switch to advance and do it all the long way it seems to work o.o

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