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Posts posted by phoenix2004uk

  1. Can somebody tell me why this is happening with the skill menu? It happens with pretty much any mod that adds perk menus with or without UI mods.[ATTACH=CONFIG]28437[/ATTACH]


    looks like the Localization file is missing

    if you used the mod launcher, it has messed up

    probably need to remove all mods and re-install them (though i'm not an authority on mod launcher as i don't use it myself)


    if you installed manually, make sure you followed the steps to install the localization as well

  2. Perkalator | Skills and Perks Calculator for Sorcery Mod





    Wondering how best to spend your skill points? want to experiment with different skill builds without wasting all your points in-game?


    Perkalator: The Skills and Perks Calculator for 7 Days to Die fully supports Sorcery Mod and includes several combinations of Sorcery + other mods / vanilla.


    Plan you builds today, and maybe share with the community what you think the better builds are for starters, or for the long-game.


    (https://perkalator.co.uk/src/Sorcery-Mod) will take you into v0.76 + A17.3, but you can select any other modded source in "Settings > XML Sources"


    See the full release info here: (https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?117806-Perkalator-The-Perks-and-Skills-Calculator-for-Modded-and-Vanilla-7-Days-to-Die) including a link to the public discord server


    Thankyou do Devrix for creating such an amazing Mod!



    Sorcery Preview in Perkalator

    There are a number of packages setup to choose from for Sorcery Mod, all of which have a direct URL (some of which are listed below, the rest can be selected from "Settings > XML Source" for the older versions)


    Sorcery v0.76 Packages

    Sorcery v0.75

    Sorcery v0.70

    • Alpha 17.2
    • Darkness Falls 2.1 EXP 8
    • Darkness Falls v2.04
    • Ravenhearst v5.13

    Sorcery v0.69

    • Alpha 17.2
    • Darkness Falls v2.03
    • Ravenhearst v5.01

  3. Perkalator | Skills and Perks Calculator for Darkness Falls





    Wondering how best to spend your skill points? want to experiment with different skill builds without wasting all your points in-game?


    Perkalator: The Skills and Perks Calculator for 7 Days to Die fully supports Darkness Falls and includes v2.1 and v2.04 for Alpha 17 (and v1.8.4 for Alpha 16)


    Plan you builds today, and maybe share with the community what you think the better builds are for starters, or for the long-game.


    (https://perkalator.co.uk/src/Darkness-Falls) will take you into v2.1, but you can select any other modded source in "Settings > XML Sources"


    See the full release info here: (https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?117806-Perkalator-The-Perks-and-Skills-Calculator-for-Modded-and-Vanilla-7-Days-to-Die) including a link to the public discord server

  4. Neither the 7DTD launcher or the BBM github download are setting up the right BBM dll. Dieing with either setup results in losing anything in your toolbelt.


    Edited - NVM looks like I had the wrong file.


    Edited - Even with redownloading, I'm still losing my toolbelt. Upon searching the XML files, it looks like the player dropped backpacks are 10 slots short.


    I was able to fix the problem by going into Loot.xml (line 3618) and changing the size of lootcontainer 41 to size="9,10".


    This needs to be patched in at some point, watching latest Games4Kickz video on WOTW 5.2.2, on death he lost everything from his toolbelt as it doesn't fit in the backpack dropped on death.

  5. Not sure if this "idea" has been mentioned before, 132 pages is a lot to read ;)


    Have you considered an endgame for the classes along the lines of a "Master of All Trades" perk of some kind, with pre-requisites of mastering all the classes to gain a final "super perk" if you will. Balanced with a suitable points cost, and/or final quest chain applying some skill from all classes (and/or maybe using some special POI that could not be entered without a "key" that is unlocked by completing all classes). Giving a final bonus to crafting, or some special "end game" loot.


    Just a thought ;)


    Awesome mod! enjoying a new playthrough with 5.2

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