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Posts posted by PO_Man_3849

  1. 16 hours ago, Laynie said:

    I could do it! I would love the opportunity 😜 I'm perfect for the job, don't mean to toot my own horn but . Tooooot Tooot! Once you hear me, you will wonder why you didn't use me for all the traders, the wolfs🐺, dogs,🐶 pigs,🐷 deer's,🦌 and the chickens🐔. I can even do a convincing babbling brook🛬, if you're interested 😛   

    Makes me think of an old comedian my dad used to listen to, you should look up Wes Harrison.




  2. 5 hours ago, The Gronk said:

    Utterly fantastic!  We've been waiting for a decent overhaul since the water physics were crippled to prevent base flooding exploits, speaking of which...


    Are you aiming for volumetric water, in the sense that I can carve a canal from a lake at the top of a hill and drain some of the water into a moat around my base?

    That would be awesome!


    It reminds me of an old saying people in construction would say about Plumbers.


    "If you want to be a good plumber you only need to learn 3 simple rules"


    1- @%$# don't run uphill

    2- Never bite your fingernails

    3- Payday's on Friday


  3. I am new to 7d2d on PC and new to modding. I downloaded this mod launcher to do the Dishong Tower Challenge and it seemed to work fine. Today I opted in for the 19.2 experimental, opened the game through Steam not the mod launcher and started a new random world seed. When the map loaded it had the Dishong Tower Challenge dialogue, gave me the stone axe, mining helmet etc, and the entire map is bare of grass fibers, bird nests etc.  Its very strange, like a combination of the Dishong challenge quests and the normal 7d2d quests.


    As I said I'm new to this sort of thing and would appreciate some guidance on how to avoid this in the future.

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