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Posts posted by srkuhaku

  1. Server not loading


    -Mod Download-




    Mod is a work in progress just like the vanilla game.


    ---Files last updated on - 9/27/2017---



    Fastest Easiest Way To Play True Survival A16.2 is to download and install the 7d2dModLauncher from here-



    Mod Launcher Instructions-

    1. Remove 7D2D from your system completely & manually delete any remaining files in the 7D2D folder that are left after uninstalling.
    2. Re-DL 7D2D on Steam.
    3. After it's finished downloading, right click and go to Properties -> Betas -> Choose 16.2. Wait for the game to downgrade back to 16.2.
    4. Now open 7D2D launcher and expand the "True Survival" on the top left. Highlight True Survival 16.2 and UN-Check "Use EAC" then click Play.


    Manual Install


    Download and install the True Survival 16.2 files manually here-


    Player Install Instructions-

    1. Open the modded 7DaysToDie_Data Folder then open the Managed Folder. Copy all the files in that location and overwrite the files in the same location in your game files.
    2. In the main directory of the modded files open the Data Folder and copy the Config Folder and and overwrite the folder in the same location in your game files.
    3. Then go back to the same location in the modded files and open the Prefab Folder. Copy all the files in that location and overwrite the files in the same location in your game files.
    4. Then in the main directory of the modded files copy the Mod Folder and the Config.xml and paste them into the main directory of your game files.
    5. !!THIS IS A MUST HAVE!! Download Xtrakicking 16.2 Zombie Texture Pack and replace your resources.asset file at 7DaysToDie/7DaysToDie_Data-



    Server Files


    Download Server Files here-


    Server Install Instructions-

    1. Open the modded 7DaysToDieServer_Data Folder then open the Managed Folder. Copy all the files in that location and overwrite the files in the same location in your server game files.
    2. In the main directory of the modded files open the Data Folder and copy the Config Folder and and overwrite the folder in the same location in your server game files.
    3. Then go back to the same location in the modded files and open the Prefab Folder. Copy all the files in that location and overwrite the files in the same location in your server game files.
    4. Then in the main directory of the modded files copy the Mod Folder and the Config.xml and paste them into the main directory of your server game files.


    OLD 15.1 ALPHA DOWNLOAD--> https://github.com/SpiderJZMOD/True-Survial-A15-JZMOD.git

    OLD ALPHA 15.2 SDX DOWNLOAD--> https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?59466-WIP-True-Survival-SDX

    Steam Group and Mod Forums –http://steamcommunity.com/groups/HardcoreSurvivalServer


    Terms of Use*


    :hippie:Feel free to use anything in my mod you would like. Code, assets, icons, modded systems or whatever. All I ask is that noone hijacks my mod name "True Survival" I would like to still use that when I eventually complete the Mod



    Please post all bugs here and I will see what I can do. Thanks for playing.





    Please help , I play with my friend in game with this mod... if I logout, and back to play, my server not load, my screeen is on "loading players" infinity.... please help...

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