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Posts posted by RevMortis

  1. Set a custom save folder and am now getting this: 

    2023-04-24T11:19:41 338183.686 INF Saving 0 of chunks took 20ms
    2023-04-24T11:19:41 338183.703 INF Persistent GamePrefs saved
    2023-04-24T11:19:53 338195.413 WRN (ERR) [BackupMod]: An unexpected exception wa                                                                      s occured during executing a command
    2023-04-24T11:19:53 338195.430 EXC It's unable to find checksums.txt
    Parameter name: worldName
    2023-04-24T11:19:53 338195.437 ERR Full exception info: System.ArgumentException                                                                      : It's unable to find checksums.txt
    Parameter name: worldName
      at BackupMod.Services.Resources.GetMd5HashForWorld (System.String worldName) [                                                                      0x0007f] in <a306766cc8604771b4430f807d0b60f2>:0
      at BackupMod.Services.WorldInfoFactory.CreateFromManifests (System.Collections                                                                      .Generic.IReadOnlyList`1[T] manifests) [0x0012c] in <a306766cc8604771b4430f807d0                                                                      b60f2>:0
      at BackupMod.Services.WorldInfoService.GetWorldInfos () [0x0013c] in <a306766c                                                                      c8604771b4430f807d0b60f2>:0
      at BackupMod.Services.BackupManager.DeleteRolledBackups (BackupMod.Services.Ab                                                                      stractions.Models.BackupInfo backupInfo) [0x0000d] in <a306766cc8604771b4430f807                                                                      d0b60f2>:0
      at BackupMod.Services.BackupManager.Create (System.String title, BackupMod.Ser                                                                      vices.Abstractions.Enum.BackupMode mode) [0x0003e] in <a306766cc8604771b4430f807                                                                      d0b60f2>:0
      at BackupMod.Services.BackupManager+<>c__DisplayClass11_0.<CreateAsync>b__0 ()                                                                       [0x00000] in <a306766cc8604771b4430f807d0b60f2>:0
      at (wrapper delegate-invoke) System.Func`1[System.ValueTuple`2[BackupMod.Servi                                                                      ces.Abstractions.Models.BackupInfo,System.TimeSpan]].invoke_TResult()
      at System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1[TResult].InnerInvoke () [0x0000f] in <695d1cc                                                                      93cca45069c528c15c9fdd749>:0
      at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute () [0x00010] in <695d1cc93cca45069c528c                                                                      15c9fdd749>:0
    --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---


  2. @WalkingWounded.

    Different person. Different issue. The only mods installed are: DF dev build mod, and Alloc's Server fixes on a dedicated server. RWG map.

    if the information on https://7daystodie.fandom.com/wiki/Gamestage is correct, we hit at leaast a global Game stage of 60 when the Wandering horde hit Day 3.

    and a party gamestage of 90-110 by day 7.
  3. @KhaineGB.

    Loved the A19 version of DF. Excellent progression. Love the features. Loved the feel of actually ramping up gameplay. There was time to get your team situated during the first week to fight off the first horde.

    Started testing the A20 dev build 35. WAY DIFFERENT FEEL. Borderline Unplayable. Swarmed by Nightstalkers and Radiated on the morning of day 3. Still in the stone age, and swarmed by nightstalkers and radiated in the daily wandering horde. If you die a few times and have a stamina max of 50, You might as well start over. You can't swing a melee weapon enough (due to level caps on S.Tryo) to kill more than one zed at a time but are still expected to face WANDERING hordes of 30+ zeds. Suspect something is broken on the Gamestage level system in multiplayer.
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