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Posts posted by Ty07Shelby

  1. On day 14


    Picked up the game about 2 weeks ago. Play 120 minute days, easy mode. Made tons of mistakes while learning, but I think I've figured things out (just about to test a new base build with tons of cement columns on a day 21 horde tonight). Will be shutting down that player, and starting fresh in the new patch.


    Would be interested in figuring out how to do the multiplayer thing. Not even sure how it works when you are not online (are we safe?).


    I play almost every day at 9pm (or so, after kids go to sleep) to midnight Florida time. Let me know if anybody is starting a new game and has room for a guy like me (noob but learning).


    Day 14, base set up and running. Just message me on Xbox if you would like to join.

    Gamer tag Ty07Shelby

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