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Posts posted by Taejang

  1. 5 hours ago, Syphon583 said:

    Oh those? Interesting that the level designer chose to use that block for "safety deposit boxes". Normally I see that block in POIs that have a morgue. They look like cold storage lockers where they keep bodies. As Jugginator said, some are lootable, some aren't.


    When you said safety deposit boxes I was thinking of the wall of what look like mail boxes. They could easily double as safety deposits and are usually found in small bank or post office POIs.

    I saw some of those in the bank as well, though none in the vault. As far as I know they only ever hold books or paper.


    I'm not sure I've seen a morgue with these boxes used as cold storage. Or any morgue at all; I've seen plenty of churches and funeral homes, plus the western version, and the woodworking shops with caskets, but I don't recall seeing any morgues yet. More to explore!


    3 hours ago, Crater Creator said:

    If you see no text (e.g. “Metal Drawer” or similar) when aiming at it, then it’s not the loot container version and there can’t be anything inside. There are some blocks, like paintings, that can be placed over a hole in the wall to hide a different, lootable block. But the metal drawers used here aren’t one of those.

    Gotcha. The box was just big enough I wondered if it could hold something inside, and I just needed to be patient enough to crush them all. Kinda a letdown; it would be nice to see safety deposit boxes. Something special for banks, different loot list with cash, diamonds, and pistols 😆


    6 hours ago, Jugginator said:

    Ah yeah there's an unlootable and lootable version of that block. 

    Thanks! I'll keep an eye out for the lootable version.

  2. I found a bank (randomly generated map, A20.5) with a vault. Inside were three crates, misc loot containers, a gun safe, and what looks like safety-deposit boxes built into the wall. The boxes cannot be interacted with (no picking them or opening them) and have 2500 durability (metal). I can however destroy the "face" of the box and see it is indeed a box where items could theoretically be stored, like an ammo pile or something. The one I did destroy was empty.


    Do these boxes ever have anything in them? I'm still early game and destroying each safe to check would take considerable time.

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