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Posts posted by Master_Elizibs

  1. Im absolutely loving this Alpha, Honestly the best one yet since I started on Alpha 14. So many things that make it just great



    Atmosphere is even darker and ominous almost like far harbor from fallout 4

    even more secret walls and goodies inside houses

    more POI's

    New zombie models and finallyyy a Crawler
    The sky looks much better

    im loving the dynamic music, I know some people dont like that it is limited but compared to how quiet it was before I welcome it. 

    I love how they revamped the weapon system so you're not getting end of game loot by the end of the 1st week.
    I feel like they also revamped the perk system for the better as well

    The new dynamic bad stats you can get and what they do are much better, it was soooo annoying having that death system that literally crippled you for a boring half hour

    Id rather deal with losing some EXP and having to regain it instead of being practically handicapped for a half hour
    There are much more im sure but I've been so engrossed in enjoying my play through I've just been enjoying my play

    Keep in mind im playing the experimental build so it goes with some expected behavior
    I've been kind of falling through the floor in some places, and being Exp build Im over looking this but wanted to throw it out there
    I've had weird chunk generation such as raised land and buildings, which I actually love lol its nice to see something different
    I think they should change some of the loot offered in some of the chests so im not getting 4 fist wraps or 4 of one kind of tool or weapon, just seems weird

    Other than the above mentioned I give A19 like 9/10 

  2. regarding the latest mod for A18


    Hey I havent been following you for too long but when I installed your mode for the last alpha it supported I was blown away by how many little fine details you added. I was almost like you released Alpha 18 in compatibility mode for A16 lol all joking aside, I've been waiting too, but hopefully once you get the next one completed. Its just as amazing as the last one.




    Anyone who has been around playing 7 days for a while probably know by now about how long TFP can take to release major updates to the game and I really appreciate all the patience of anyone waiting for the next UL version to come out for A18+.


    Some things came up in my life, specifically mid October I finally found someone for hire to help me with my apartment renovations and since then till now I had to postpone UL until some of the essential stuff had to be taken care of (because i also live in the same apartment where renovations take place and that always bring certain set of inconveniences along with it). Anyhow, point is, I barely was on my PC all this time and only recently, I've started to catch up with things this week, so I'll be resuming work on UL any day now, I hope.

  3. Zombie epidemic


    Testing performance on how many zombie bodies I can have on screen to make it unplayable...



    From average 50 - 60FPS:



    To about 15-20FPS with over 300 dead zombies:




    For some reason, that eerily looks like world war Z or something, like a mini bomb dropped there lol Im with the person above you, im really looking forward to this mod.

  4. Response


    Another quality of life feature added, oxygen bar while underwater:





    Until I got a PC I never realized how much I was missing out on, now I know that there is greatness out there. As hard as you're working on this mod, It would be a nice thought to hope someone else out there could assist with getting this update off the ground, but for now, patience will have to suffice.


    Looking Good


  5. Honestly with how much content 16.4 undead added to the game I'd take an experimental 17 right now lol but I will definately be the first to download when its ready, A17 is fun but I don't mind a bit more added, especially the nice green UI added, the stock one is boring after so many Alphas

  6. Im trying to craft Brass Hinges and the menu UI is empty, there is no option to craft them in the workbench, I have a smithing hammer and have fulfilled the pre-requisite. Is this a glitch

  7. Hi,

    I'm enjoying this mod with all of the additional items to gather and so many new items. I wanted to ask, if you do implement updates patches will you announce them here or will they be located in another post??

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