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Posts posted by Ceol328

  1. It is a great seed. I have explored all of the paved and non paved roads and even explored the edge of the map near the rad zone. It has 12 traders , 3 boogie traps, 13 military installations, 7 camps 6 bases.

    Yeah, most of the cities are in the south area of the map. There is one city in the north, a forest that has corner in the wasteland.

  2. I just created a new seeds and it turned out to be a good seed. It is called outbreak, it has 10 cities, 9 traders 3 military outposts so far that I have found. 2 bases and 1 camp. There is a little bit of water just south and west of the hub city. Wasteland in the north part of the map near the border zone.

    Most of the cities are forest with 1 in the burnt forest, 1 in the desert, 1 in the snow/sand and 1 in the Plains. If any one plays this seed let me know what you think.

  3. Good seed


    I am new to the forums and wanted to share a map seed I found,

    It is named Falcon. It has 12 cities, 10 traders, 3 crossroads. It also has 3 each of army base and army camp. It has a large area of water mostly in the center of the map creating a West land east land kind of feel. A large snow in the new area and wasteland in the very south and North of the seed. Making it easy to get around the wasteland.

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