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Posts posted by Nine

  1. Great new seed. 13 Towns and military base with a cave...


    I wasn't sure where to post this. The seed is named: AllOurDestiny I found this on PS4, but it should work on both consoles. The town locations are: 2450n-450e, 2410n-2380e,2280n-2826w, 703n-2070e, 360n-0w (hub city,) 650n-1250w, 305n-2700w, 1703s-2800w, 761s-1195w, 1050s-670e, 3074s-2100e, 3030s-740e, 2845s-690w. Count them up that's 12 towns plus the central hub, that's 13 in total! There are two mini hubs and plenty of water sources, a few large lakes and lots of ponds. I will find the military base again and list it's location as well. Remember, seeds are case sensitive so be careful when typing it in. Have Fun.

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