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Posts posted by Seventy9

  1. I have been playing this mod for a few days now and I am really interested in getting into the progression of it.  I like the new items added, I like the research system (although I do believe the research data required for each item should be modified based on it's rarity or something), but I am struggling with the difficulty.  I play 7DTD like a hardcore game, if my character dies, I reset the game (unless it's to an obvious glitch).


    Now with vanilla 7DTD, by the first horde night I can set up a little horde base outside of my main base, upgrade it from wood to cobblestone and survive the night with few issues.  In UL I have only made it to day 7 once in 4-5 games, and I got my ass handed to me, big time.  With the lack of ways to obtain research data locking me out from making cobblestone blocks I had to rely on a premade building and I got swarmed after they bashed through a couple of the concrete walls.  I had a baseball bat, some padded armour and a few points in strength but it just wasn't enough to overcome the horde and I died before midnight (I play on the longest game settings).  All other games I died at night because each night is basically a horde night in this mod with dozens of zeds spawning every night including spiders, wolves and bears (and MANY ferals).


    So is there any way to tone down the amount of zeds that spawn at night?  In my last game I didn't even have any armour and was using stone tools and weapons and the first night I had 6 spiders, 2 feral spiders, normal zeds, feral zeds and a few zombie dogs in the space of about 2-3 in game hours.  I'm surprised I lasted that long to be honest, but the last feral spider got me as I just had nothing left, no repair kits, no healing items and no food.


    I really want to enjoy this mod, but without the ability to even make it through the first night it is ruining my experience.  I have yet to try the game with a lower difficulty, but I don't want it too easy during the days as it's boring then.  Any ideas?

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