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Posts posted by Ravenous

  1. is it intend that the butcher knife is not craftable?

    then it is, the description of blade weapon lvl 30 says that you get the recipe for.

    (checked the recipe.xml , no butcher knife there. so i think it is intend to be only loot.)

  2. For "glass" : 114 hits in blocks.xml, 147 hits in ressources.assets, 904 hits in 87 files total. Couldn't find it


    in creative menu, just "glass pane". sry for the typo with glas.

    that is the one you often find in garbage piles for example.


    just the whole glass pane not the broken glass pieces. u could also craft them in the advanced forge in ravenhearst.

  3. I started playing this mod and liking it for the most part. I'm in day 50 now and started using the space needle for a base. I really like the amount and variety of the zombies and the RWG is refreshing. I got real exited when I saw the first electrical worker. I just got the Famas together which is the first non vanilla gun I put together. I cant wait together the others. I have never played a mod where the actual skins and sound effects are different. The combat axe is now my go to melee.


    But I found myself getting stuck at certain points grinding to make the game progress. I had to change the probability of finding the wrench because I couldn't find one in in 30+ days. I was spending weeks just looking for that. Now I am at another stagnate point where I am trying to get a blacksmith hammer. I want to make some good mining tools and I can't find the crafting tools to use all the stations. I wish it were clear on what I had to do if I can craft them. It looks like the blacksmith hammer is only a loot item, can't be crafted? It seams like the probability for some of the necessity items needs to be readjusted so the game doesn't seam so grindy. Any other game mod I would have a minibike by now and have started on my defenses. I am not even close to getting a minibike and i have a wall of chairs with a few spikes in front of them so they don't bash the door down. I think because there is so much extra stuff in the game it pushes the much needed loot out of the probability.


    found 4 wrenches in 6 weeks, so it is possible. the black smith hammer can be crafted in the advanced forge. you get the recipe, for that and the anvil if u buy the advanced forge perk.

    as a hint. just typ the name of the item you are looking for, anythere in the stations or your inventory. if there is a recipe you will find it. if not, the item is just lootable.

    as far as i remember correctly. you have to find the frying pan, the tendizer, the wrench (yes its craftable, but we all know you need it before you can craft it), the sewing kit, the wielding torch, the tool kit, and last but not least the all loved calliper.


    frying pan and tendizer = nice to have but not elemantal

    wrench = don't need to talk about

    sewing kit and welding torch = a pain in the ... , but you can find or buy armor

    tool kit = not really nessacary, just usefull for a big badabumm

    calliper = very usefull and hard to find sometimes, but more lategame relevant

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