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Posts posted by Madmartigan8109

  1. The easiest way to find one of these big cliffs is close to a city, a lot of times the city is lower elevation than the surrounding area and the change in elevation is usually very sudden and quick, which creates a cliff like you're looking for.


    In the seed "Roobie" there is a very long cliff along a road next to the main hub city, specifically at 444S 382E looking north. There are cliffs to the right (east) of the road which just lead to a short valley at the bottom and then larger cliffs on the other side of the valley or there are cliffs to the left (west) side of the road which would lead you towards the main hub city. Because the main hub city is on the left it is wasteland all the way down on the left side of the road, but I know for sure that the cliffs on the right of the road are in a Pine Forest (the further up the road you get, it eventually turns into wasteland on the right side of the road, but the bottom of that valley is all pine forest. There is a large house nearby the coordinate above that has a forge in it too. There is a trader about 650m east of the house and another trader less than 1km east of the first trader. The main hub city is literally at the bottom of the cliffs on the left side of the road, but there is 1 town a little bit south of the coordinate above and another city southeast of the second trader. As far as water goes, I only know of 1 lake and its a huge lake with a north to south edge around 150S 2000E, but I know there are at least 2 houses in the city just south of these cliffs that have full pools in their backyard.


    If I was you I would put my base along the other side of the small valley on the right side of the road, the highest point at 472S 520E. The cliff along this edge is very long and fairly straight, the only downside is that its not level all the way across, the peak is roughly 60-70 blocks from the valley floor but I'd say the average height is around 40-50 blocks high. The slope is such that if you were to sprint down it you would probably die and its impossible to sprint and jump up the cliffs for most of the entire section of cliff, it drops about 30 vertical blocks in the span of 2 horizontal blocks. The length of the cliff here is about 200 blocks, it goes from around 430E to around 630E. Crackpot Texas on youtube has made videos about this map showing the coordinates of all the towns and traders with all the new POI's in each town (two separate videos).


    That is Awesome. Exactly what I was looking for. My built will be about 60 blocks tall so that's why I was looking for something like this, gonna cut into the cliff and make it a flat edge.



  2. Looking for a seed with a Large cliff. I mean like LARGE LARGE Cliff and I dont wanna do a nav world and use the canyons.


    I have a massive design in mind. Can anybody help with a good seed name with possible coordinates?

  3. Serious players needed


    Hello everybody, new to the stream but no stranger to 7 days to die, been playing for a while made some extreme builds but tired of playing solo or playing with random jumpers that don't stay but a few nights, looking for some mild to serious players, preferable over 18 please, I play mostly at night at don't wanna get stuck with kids, starting a new mp map and upping the difficulty, if you want to join and try to build some crazy stuff please add me my GT is the same name as here.. Thank you for your time

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