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Posts posted by Daryoon

  1. WELL .. First off .. YOU are running an OLD version of this MOD ... It might help to Update your FILES


    Current version is: V5.2.5(B116) r2.25.2018 Alpha 16.4 (b8) .... PLUS it looks that your version of 7D2D is Old also (but could not read it for sure).


    And this is the Version that is on the Launcher ... Bigger Backpack mod or BBM


    I am running it/installing from the launcher, not sure how to force it to try and find the new version from there.






    I did see they had a normal version and a 5.2 version so I just tested the 5.2 one and got the same results. Guessing one of my settings is wrong for the setup in the mod launcher. I was using non 5.2 previously. But seem like they are both loading the same version when I try and play the mod.


    I am using windows 7 so I tried running that patch/Easy fix thing and rebooted for it earlier to see if that would help as well.

  2. Having an issue getting the bigger backpack to work


    I tried reinstalling the mod a bunch of times using the launcher and even the game again, and it doesn't seem to want to give me the bigger backpack?





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