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Posts posted by MrsTweety

  1. Recipes Missing


    Not sure if I am in the right place to ask questions. I have installed the launder and attempted to install Ravenhearst a few times and I know for sure the stick recipe is missing from my game. I verified my 7d2d original game was up to date. I tried both the 7 day horde and 21 day horde version. Not sure what I am doing wrong. Sorry if this isn't posted in the correct place.











    Ravenhearst has descended upon us! Ravenhearst is an SDX mod that adds over 200 new items, stations, weapons, decorative pieces and more to give you an experience like never before. Military presence in the Wastelands, Awful creatures that come out to play at night and an overhauled Progression system that rewards players of all types while increasing the distance it takes to get to the end game are some of the things awaiting your play through.



    Keep in Mind this is a mod that is very much a work in progress. There will be frequent updates and game save wipes when necessary. We can NOT offer help or support to older version of the Mod. Please stay Current if Possible.


    We felt this was stable enough to release to all of you to enjoy. With that in mind I welcome any and all feedback and suggestions for how to make this mod better. Our aim is to be a bit more hardcore than the normal mod when it comes to progression and advancing.


    Also bear in mind that there are SDX models in this game and as such loading times may be a bit slower than usual. Patience will be the key here. If you do experience in game lag turning down zombies can help with this.


    I want to give credit and thanks to those who have influenced me in ways I can not express. Pacco, Valmar, Dwallorde, sphereii, Guppycur, drkstardragon, Spider, Xyth, Skippy, Xtrakicking, StompyNZ, Smegz0r and so many others who without your help and guidance I couldnt have made this mod possible.


    On the server side there are so many that helped me balance this mod and test it. Sinda gets a HUGE thank you for her hours of testing. Twitchy and DreamSmith for their advice on balances; Rizzano, Thegreenpuma, FallenDice, juls45, Gorby, PinkTaco and a host of others who have been there alongside me and supported me.


    Some of the items in the mod are a placeholder of sorts. You will notice some familiar icons, and these will be changed as time goes on to our own set of unique icons. We hope you enjoy playing this mod. This was literally 2 years in the making.


    Special Thanks to Sirillion for working with us to create the awesome UI you see in game. You can check out his work here


    For another absolutely ingenious and fantastic SDX mod check out Sergant1000 and his Experimental Recipes mod. Over the year of piecing together some of this mod we have included some models from this mod such as some stations and water bottles.


    A very special thank you to Xyth, Morte and the rest of the Starvation Team. The ambulance, school bus, police vehicle and Vintorez models are indeed the models used in Starvation. Those may not be distributed or used without their permission. We may remove these models in a future wipe but to save game saves for now we will leave them in. Those models are theirs exclusively. And we thank them for allowing us to keep them in for the time being until we work out a way to safely remove them for everyone.




    Special thank you to Kaiser502 for his radiated sewers and generators.


    MANY huge thanks to a very talented new SDX modder for allowing the use of his vehicles in our mod stedman420. He is preparing his OWN mod and his work can be found here




    If you are interested in joining our Official Ravenhearst PVE Server you can find our website here


    Just fill out an application as we ARE privately white listed so that we can offer a secure and safe environment for our community. Applications will be approved within 24 hours of sign up. Make sure to read our rules as well and add me on Steam as JaxTeller718 when you do sign up.


    You can join our Discord by clicking Here






    Server Hosting



    Host Your Own Ravenhearst Server



    Bluefang currently hosts the 7 Day version and Streamer version of Ravenhearst! Just select the Ravenhearst option that is best for you! Their setup is flexible and offers everything you need. Want to upload your OWN XML edits and mods for others to play on your server? You can do that EASILY with full FTP Access.


    We have trusted them for over 2 years for all of our server needs and we experience NO downtime, NO lagging and unparalleled security from all outside threats. It really can not be beat.


    If you decide to rent with Bluefang using this link 5 percent of the sale will go towards adding new assets into the mod and is a great way to support its development. Bluefang is offering Ravenhearst free of any additional charges to their customers. If you are wary that I am promoting Bluefang by all means please do NOT use my link below. Bluefang is an outstanding service that speaks for itself.


    NON Referral Direct Link To Bluefang



    Referral Link Below







    Dedicated Server Links




    7 Days Horde Version Server Files


    The normal 7 day Blood Moon version for servers



    21 Days Horde Version Server Files


    Perfect for "always on" servers. You will get Blood Moons on every 21st day. Gamestages are also tweaked for this new Blood Moon schedule so hordes will not escalate too quickly.



    7 Day Horde Streamer Version Server Files


    Normal 7 Day Blood Moons but more streaming friendly. Features of this version include no nude/stripper zombies, profanity from traders and bandits removed no children zombies and copyright sound effects from the Night Terrors replaced to ensure DMCA free uploading.



    21 Day Horde Streamer Version Files


    21 Day Blood Moons but with the features of the Streamer version.




    Other Files




    Single Player 7 Day Horde Edition v2.11.01


    This is the default Ravenhearst mod with 7 day hordes, weather, nude zombies etc.



    Single Player 21 Day Horde Edition v2.11.01


    Files for the single player Blood Moon horde every 21 Days version.



    Disabled Weather v2.11.01


    These are the WEATHER ONLY files that you can download and overwrite your game files with. This will disable weather and temperature. You MUST have the Mod Files already installed to use this.



    20K Stacks File v2.11.01


    This replaces the items.xml file with one that increases all stacks to 20,000. Special thank you to Sn0tface for making this.



    Extra Spawning v2.11.01


    For hardcore players only. Wilderness spawns increased by double. No safe zone.






    The best way to download and STAY updated is through the Mod Launcher. This ensures you get the latest up to date files and also offers you way more variety in not only my mod but multiple other mods too. Designed by sphereii the Mod Launcher is an essential tool for the 7 Days Mod Playing Enthusiast.



    Current Version: 2.11.01



    Patch Notes for the Most Current Version are in the Post Below

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