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Posts posted by alxnr

  1. Is it possible to automatically create folders based on the asset's path when using "Export to ___" plugin?


    e.g. The asset name is "assets/folder/subfolder/image.png". After using the plugin, the app creates "assets/folder/subfolder" folder if it doesn't exist and put the image.png file into it.

  2. There is a batch extraction command line option for bundles. It's described in Usage.txt. The bundles should be located in a separate folder so no other files could cause issues. If it successfully extracted the bundles, you can open them in UABE separately or all at the same time (the file dialog allows multiple selections).


    Thanks for the answer! I found it and it works like a charm.

  3. Unpacking multiple compressed files at a time




    Is there a feature to unpack multiple compressed files at a time? If not, is there a plan of adding it in the future? Or, is there another tool that can do that?

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