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Posts posted by dalves69

  1. I usually find a solution to modding problems online. However, this one I cannot find what I'm doing wrong. I am adding schematics for each of the Pipe-Based guns in A20. The schematics are there and work, but the guns themselves are unlocked even though in-game it says that you need that gun's schematic to unlock it. Below is a clip of the code I have currently. Any feedback is appreciated.


    <append xpath="/items">

        <item name="gunHandgunT0PipePistolSchematic">
        <property name="Extends" value="schematicMaster"/>
        <property name="CreativeMode" value="Player"/>
        <property name="CustomIcon" value="gunHandgunT0PipePistol"/>
        <property name="Unlocks" value="gunHandgunT0PipePistol"/>
        <effect_group tiered="false">
            <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfPrimaryActionEnd" action="ModifyCVar" cvar="gunHandgunT0PipePistol" operation="set" value="1"/>
            <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfPrimaryActionEnd" action="GiveExp" exp="50"/>


    <append xpath="/items/item[@name='gunHandgunT0PipePistol']">
        <property name="UnlockedBy" value="perkGunslinger,gunHandgunT0PipePistolSchematic"/>


  2. You can use a mask to block off areas that should not spawn POIs.

    There is a small example hightmap and mask included in the resources.

    You can generate a map using the gen-mode "import + mask" to see it working.


    For the mask: only the alpha channel is considered, alpha below 20 (eg transparent) is free to use, everything else blocked.

    The mask also contains spawn points for cities and towns (check the example mask).


    In your case, you probably just need a mask that is a transparent image, with a blue circle in the middle (the part that needs to be free).


    Best is to download the newest version 0.354. In it, I fixed some issues related to road-generation and the mask.




    Thank you so much for the info. I wasn't exactly sure how the masking worked, but I've been able to use it and this is working perfectly for me. Thank you SOOOOOO much for this. I love 7DTD and your World Generator has made world creation so much better. Thanks again...

  3. Hi Damocles,


    First I just want to say, Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! for making this world generator. It has been fantastic and I've been spending lots of time customizing new worlds.


    I wanted to ask in case this is something that can be done with your current software, but I just may not know the right way to do it. I generated a height map that I liked and then edited the height map to have a large flat area in the center of the map. I've been trying to keep that area all forest without any POIs building there. I know I can use the World Editor in 7DTD to remove any POIs that may populate that flatland, but I was wondering if there is a way within your software to update the DTM file by editing the prefabs.xml and water_info.xml and then generating a new DTM file off of those xml files? I ask because I keep generating worlds off of my import_HM.png or the poiHM.png until I get something close to what I want, but there will usually be something that is still off that I'll have to try to fix in 7DTD's World Editor.

  4. I tried opening the DTM.raw file in Photoshop and really wasn't sure what I was looking at. I was expecting something like the POI Height Map, but it looked like there was much more information in there.


    I have been using NitroGen and love it. Are there any links or information showing how to import the genhm.png and poihm.png to export the DTM.raw file?




    (Actually I'm doing some testing with NitroGen now and may have figured out how to do this.)

  5. I know I've tried using Gimp and some other editors. I thought I tried using Photoshop yesterday, but I may be wrong... By default, all of the computers that I've tried this on see the DTM.raw file as a sound file.


    I didn't know if it was possible to create a new DTM.raw file from the existing genHM.png or poiHM.png files I currently have.

  6. I've recently got into modding existing worlds in 7DTD. Editing the biomes, is very easy, but my attempts at editing the height maps have not worked. In the original video posted it mentioned editing the TGA file, but I'm running A17.3 and it only exports the main DTM file (Which I haven't been able to edit). I was wondering if there is a different way to edit the height maps without the TGA file?


    My apologies if it was posted somewhere on this thread earlier, but I hadn't found any information yet.

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