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Posts posted by MythN7

  1. some mod and buff effects make little to no value of use at late / end game as a fixed value.

    Could you change them to a % gain instead?

    Things like the steroids, are handy very early, but later when you can carry 500-600 weight normally, the +100 is kind of meh, especially for the heavy water drain.

    Could you make this maybe at a % gain, where early on it might only add 50 to your cap, but at end game it would add like 300 or so, and then any value in-between throughout the leveling process.


    But it would make more sense that the steroids would increase the weight lifting skill gain rate when overweight than just flatly add more limit for x time.


    Also vehicle suspension / cargo extender even at high rank barely improve the weight carry limit on things like the minibikes and sedan cars, and do absolutely nothing in result to the mining cart, military truck, etc... So this being a % value as well would make more sense as the value would dynamically affect each vehicle the same, so instead of adding 100 weight to a 600 weight limit car, or 100 to a 10,000 limit truck, it would ad 10%, so 60 to the car, and 1000 to the truck.

  2. Could you create an ammo type that uses rubber, which we can make rubber bullet tips with in the workbench, so we can make ammo that can be used for the following purpose.

    -only does 1 damage, but can cause bruise debuff and stun if head shot on players, so we can pvp for fun wihtout killing.

    -would work great for earning shooting exp on enemies, if we dont care about the gunpowder and weapon wear.


    Also, a training weapon of each type made of wood and rubber for the same purpose.

  3. 10 hours ago, Subquake said:

    Those are not animals, they are undead bears, dogs, vultures, as for scorpions, they are mutated, they aren't normal animals

    Yes right, but the skill im talking about is animal harvesting.

    So, in 1 account, getting that skill just stabbing a living animal in basic combat, should not raise this skill, as your not harvesting it, your just trying to kill it.

    and the 2nd account is the purpose of that skill is to be more efficient at harvesting the corpse.

    So, using a cutting tool, anytthing that gives hides / skins of anytype, fresh or rotten meat, fat, should raise this skill, as its purpose is to increase the harvest yeild.


    If it only increases on live animals, which makes me wonder if it even increases the yeild of hides and rotten meat makes this skill very meh past the point where you get your 1st vehicle, as at that point, your prob facing things more than rabits and deer, as well as the tracking skill needs to be crouched to trigger and only lasts 20 sec at max, where most things you can see very far away from in the car already.


    I think this perk set between harvest and tracking needs to have tweaks to be more desirable to be taken when food is not the reason for the purpose of going out of way for skinning animals.


    I only do it for the leather to upgrade all my armor pockets and mods and what not, the vasts amounts of rotten meat for crop plots, and the scorpion sacs for antidote and again upgrade mats.


    Weather the animal is undead or healthy has no bearing on the methods used to harvest its lump corpse, it only has bearing on what you actually harvest.  Logicly, speaing.

  4. found a significant bug / glitch.

    animal harvesting skill does not work right for earning the skill points.

    I had harvested hundreds upon hundreds and noticed my skill had not gone up at all.


    I started to open the menu and look at the exp value EVERY time i used my knife skinning something.

    Since I live in the wasteland, and all i cared about getting was leather, rotten meat and scorpion stuff, and bear testerone, the only things i had been killing and would even spawn near me was vultures, undead bears, scorpions, undead dogs.


    NONE!!! of those things give a single point of exp when harvesting them.


    However, i did notice, that non infected things, like chickens, rabbits, coyotes, snakes, deer, boars, (havent tested healthy bear) all give animal harvesting exp, even when the animal is not dead, attacking it to just kill it with a bladed weapon gives animal harveting exp, as well as chopping at the corpse after.


    Anytime the character uses that special slower harvesting animation, you should get harvesting exp, not in the way i have discovered how it works.

  5. A few more suggestions

    1: since sewing kits are a major major cost in almost everything to upgrade armor / armor mod related and in large numbers could you add the ability to take raw corn you harvest and use its husks basicly as the logic behind turning that fine grain fibers into sewing kits.  Could use a dart trap ammo as the needle.


    2: since testosterone is used in I think everything to upgrade at the later levels and right away on some, It would make sense to be able to crush steroids back into it at the mortar and pestle, as well as adding half what bears give to the harvesting of the huge mega mean Dire Wolves.

    Or just take it out of the cost for many things that make 0 sense other than it being there as a obvious level gating / gathering hurdle. 


    3: could you add advanced rotation to turrets so we can cosmetically attach them to ceilings and walls.


    4: the sum value of superior repair kits mats as value to just sell is way higher than the Duke cost to fix a tool that needs titan like the valkerye drill.

    It needs 1 ingot worth of actual titan scrap and 30 ingots of titan  plus other stuff you could sell for a few hundred dukes.  So selling the 30 ingots alone already puts me at around 6000-7000 dukes to sell and only need to spend 2300 at trader bench. 

    Using my own titan plates at base still asks for 7-8 when fully broke.  But selling 14 ingots still nets me around 400 dukes in my pocket.


    Basicly the titan plate coat in both repair bench and kit are just obscene.  Especially for how fast the drill burns out, and I have block damage at 300% to boot.


    5: the 6 slot crafting benches for processing nitrate coal bullet tips casings and many many other things you usually want to craft in bulk is quite annoying to type in the qty that ONLY outputs 6 slots, and doing this accross like 5 campfires, 5 mortars, 5 furnaces ect.... is cumbersome,  I'm not asking to make it faster but could you make it output say a box of bullet tips, that stacks to 100 boxes, so we can open these later or store them like this as compact then open a single box of x item to get the 1000 qty stack.


    Not saying to change to this. Just add crafting bulk boxes for the many things we want to do that will clog up the 6 slots we have to babysit or use half a dozen of same bench doing.


    6: could you make all the traps, turrets, powered spikes electric fence, anything that can't properly run on a pressure plate / camera have 2 states, idle, only takes 1w like a power switch, then active full running draw, when its built in sensors activate the effect.


    7 lastly, could u add the ability to pin an active skill like the recipies so we can monitor its exp state in real time.


    Loving the mod, it's gotten me back into the game.

  6. On 12/4/2022 at 10:45 AM, Subquake said:

    Currently no, it doesn't matter where you put them, even on a rooftop or something. That will be reworked in future

    I think LS or GS has a factor on these.

    After putting them in the wasteland i started getting much better harvests, and it keeps geting better as I get more GS.

    Also, i got a looting perk skill level from opening one, so I am sure this is based on lucky looter as well.

  7. very frustrate with the elevators, and drawbridges.

    had a brick foundation supported by 8 pillars on the edge as you can see, and the elevator was destroyed along with my blocks, upon placement even tho it was green color.

    same thing happened with a powered drawbridge.



    could you possibly make these 2 items, drawbridge, and elevator, since they are so expensive and cumbersome to put down have a placement version you build, called maybe elevator shape helper, and drawbridge shape helper, that would cost nothing more than mabye a bunch of wood and nails.

    But this object would have the same mass as the real one, but the same durability as wood. to prevent it from being used as a defense block or something.

    so we can place it as a test block.


    But also, instead of picking it up to put the real one down, you would use the nail gun or some such tool to upgrade that to the real one by having it in your inventory and applying it.

  8. On 11/27/2022 at 6:56 AM, Subquake said:

    There's definitely some overlap with Recycler and Wrenching, but you also have to understand, that not every person will max out Salvage Operations and then it's quite useful, on top of that it can recycle not just blocks, but items you don't need as well. As for blocks, sometimes it gives similar resources than when you wrench, other times it gives different resources, it's so that I tried to make it not quite black & white for it's utility :)

    So does this mean that if you max out salvage opperations, in many cases its better to do that instead of picking each object up and bring back to be put in this machine?

    Maybe could you add a tool tip popup when you hover over the recyclable tag in the description of the possible items you can get, with a num range on each icon in the list?  Assuming that its as easy as just coding in a reference to the rng pool the machine actually uses.


    Also, many things cannot be recycled, like the iron storage boxes, but the steel and titan can be.

    Another Request:

    Could you add a downgrade option to the maint bench.

    Where it would drop an items rank, and give back most of the mats it took to do that?

    This would let us downgrade items we find of higher rank, since the recycler does not factor those costs in.


    Also, could you add upgrades to the mortar and pestle, cooking fire, and edit the furnaces upgrades to add this.

    Each upgrade rank, would increase crafting speed by 10%, and also add 2 more input and output slots to the ques.

    The final campfire upgrade would turn it into an actual kitchen stove with a stove top burner object, and it would use electricity instead of coal or wood.


    Also, about upgrades, could you make the ore  / oil extractor have an upgrade where it takes a diamond tip mod and some other assorded items as the cost, and it would increase the work speed by mabye 20 %, then a final upgrade where you add a valkerye drill and some asssorted parts, to add another 30% work speed, cutting it down by half for each one you do these upgrades to?

  9. Request:  could you take the rubble that impedes vehicle movement at the waste land traders, and either just remove them, or take the indestructible tag off them?

    Would be nice to be able to go down that part of the main road at there door without having to deal with it, over and over. 

  10. 8 hours ago, Canute said:

    1. even when you mined all the surface nodes, there are still some deep below the surface.


    2. When you run out of it, then you should decide to use none critical items that get repaired with steel.


    3. Or you still could emigrate to another map like all old good miner when their claim runs out, or pray to your local god that he might chunkreset some wasteland or delete all regio files beside the one with the player bases.


    what do you mean emigrate to another map?

    like just start over?

    15 hours ago, Subquake said:

    Ore Extractors and traders then with occasional titan stuff in loot that you can recycle

    do the extractors affect what and how much you get based on the biome or surface they are on?

    like if putting them right on top of a ore node makes a diff or in the wasteland vs forest?


    in my experience, for the cost of making them, a compact engien is not easy to come by.  i think ive seen 8 in total ever, and i already have dune runner.

    I usually get only 1 -3 things in it, and NEVER more than 10-99 of an item.


    Since we need literlay 10's of thousands of things like lead, copper, iron, coal, all but the titan, getting this current small amount every few game days seems like a joke, when you cannot just leave it run for several loops.

    Cause to this early game is hard, and even then you get nothing in amounts that help.

    And at end game, when you have a valkerye drill, it seems like ugh.


    So could you just change it in a way that instead of searching it like untouched after its done, it just keeps digging non stop, till its full, and needs gas or power to run.

    So it would have a progress bar like the recycler, and pull 1 random ore per time, on a much quicker run. you can just open and grab when your near it.

  11. When playing on smaller maps, or even if just playing for long time or with many people, what happends when yhou run out titan nodes in the wasteland?

    do you have to repair all your titan gear at the shop for dukes?

  12. Loving this mod, just a few things I would like to suggest:


    1: Could you add broadcasting to the vehicles?

    Maybe have it so if you drive the car broadcasting turns itself off, and has to be re turned on.

    So that when its parked it can send its stuff to near by crafting?  This would be great for smelting ore and rock, but also for fixing those heavy vehicles.


    Also about the broadcasting, could you have a toggle in the crafting station to accept broadcasting or not.  sometimes in a shared base, you dont want to use other peoples stuff, so being able to  turn broadcasting off for the bench itself, or maybe even 2 types, ONLY let owner broadcast, or let allies broadcast, as separate toggles.


    2: I dont think it makes alot of sense to have the block crafting cost and upgrade cost exactly the same.  It should be about 20% cheaper in each stage to upgrade to the new type of the cost it would be to make that raw block.


    3: Could you have the upgraded costs of things such as armor, mods, and weapons be a factor in what you get back when you recycle the item?


    4: Research data is a major pain, could you allow us to craft a data miner object like the oil jack / ore extractor, but this one would use a satellite dish and a laptop computer to make, and use old books and paint as its cost, and it would generate research data slowly over time.


    5: Like the bee and chick coops, could you add one for boars?  So, by placing crafted haybales in as the feed cost, it would generate other animal products?

    So like kind of under the logic that its using the 2 boars required to make the pen as the mating pair, and by feeding them they produce offspring which are just auto converted into meat, fat, bone and hides. 


    6: The military truck seems way under balanced.  it holds only 40% more than the mining car, but is wicked harder to get.  it has 1-2km/hr less driving speed.  and it accelerates so slow that its a pain to use.

    The only thing it seems worth using is the raw number of slots in its cargo.  and using this many slots, NEVER hits even near the max weight of what the mining car can do.

    So in terms of going out to get lots of ore / rock / trees, the mining car is more than enough slots, it just dont work for a poi to poi salvage vehicle, but for how bad the military truck handles, and drives, your better off just doing multiple trips with the mining cart.


    7: since you made money weight quite a bit, and made Many a end game item cost 100k - over 1 million dukes, could you add a system where you can store your cash at the trader like a savings account, it would only be for the trader you put the money into, but it could generate a small interest amount to use at the store.

    This would let us add money to it over time to save up for those huge purchases.

    Also, you could have it so that any mission you do for that trader could be payed out directly to this savings account, and you could get 20% more dukes cause of this.

    The offset to this extra mission earning, and savings interest is once you deposit dukes with the trader, its locked in like a gift card, CAN ONLY be redeemed via instore purchases.


    Now the issues ive seen.

    1: your chem station / furnace upgrade has a progression conflict.  you need military fiber to upgrade the furnace to make titan, but you need titan to upgrade the chem station.  so you need to get one of the 2 stations upgrade of this mat from loot or venders exclusively as you created a chicken and egg, scenario.


    2: the elevator, if you leave a vehicle on it, and come back from far away or log in, it will fall threw and hit the ground, also, it stays floating in air for awhile if you try to move elevator down without riding in the vehicle, making it fall after awhile.


    3: the recycler when you leave its visual ish range, no longer considers itself turned off, and drains all your fuel, so a manual switch MUST be placed before it to prevent this.


    4: Being poisoned does not reset upon death.  Yes the fact your poisoned goes away, but if you died at 80% poison, the next time you get this effect added, it starts at the level of % it was at before you died.


    5: you cannot use a splint or cast on a sprain, nothing seems to treat this,  you can only treat an actual broken limb.


    6: the last 2 ranks of the repair kits, need scrap steel and scrap titan, either remove this and replace with just ingots of the type, or add a way to turn ore / ingots into scrap at the 1 to 1 cost, as making something out of steel or titan just to scrap it makes no sense.


    Loving the mod, hope you keep it going strong.

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