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Posts posted by Toeknee2258

  1. Hey All, Im looking for people that would want to make massive builds and could play a lot. I want a team of 4. I'm on eastern time and can play anytime. I would prefer if you were over 18 or someone pretty mature with a headset and mic my GT is Radex73.


    Im 34, eastern time, i play for HOURS at a time, i own a business so im home A LOT and play often (usually evenings 5 6 7pm to early morning, roughly 9 hours a day) and always thinking of creative builds, also a pretty good Survivor, 95% of my deaths are my fault lol like walking over a land mine that i placed myself lol needless to say indont use landmines anymore lol GT Toeknee2258 feel free to add me

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