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Posts posted by LogicAudio

  1. I forgot to mention, I was playing around yesterday and I replaced the original rwgmixer to my game and I do not seem to see any difference. What does that file do in this scenario? do i actually need to add the one given by Slaan?

  2. Maps generate a certain distance away, ever since pimps add in distance terrain, think A15, when playing slaanhatten, you only see a certain distance of slaan. Your game is rendering the distance after where it stops rendering Slaan, so it rendering the map, like slaan isnt even there, but it is....best ii can explain it lol


    Ok I think I get it... but basically then I have installed it correctly and this is normal?

  3. That is normal, its an issue wtih PIMPS and distant terrain generating.


    Just to be clear, it's almost like I have two maps at once now.. from a distance the original land outline, and now when I get closer SLaanHatten

  4. Hi Slaan, I first want to say WOW AMAZING WORK!! I finally got Slaanhatten to appear on my random gen map, but I have a question. (Im sorry if this has been answered before)


    My question is, is it normal to still see the original map outside my view distance? I still see mountains and valleys up until i get closer then SlannHatten appears. DId I miss something in the instructions?


    Does it have to do with the rwgmixer file? Id appreciate some insight guys thanks.


    EDIT: been rereading... i didn't explore the whole city, could this explain my problem??

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