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Record Comments posted by Cliffy

  1. After a full reinstall today. It works. IDK what that was. Maybe some fusion between the new driver and the "old" gamefiles. But not it works.

    So only keep an eye for the SS-Reflexions. Nothing very important what we need to play but it looks like its bugged with my typ of graphic card.

    Hope all my comments here are not that weird.

    Wish you and the community the very best for the game :) I have to kill some Zeds. Cya.

  2. Ok thats weird. Looks like it works the first time after installing the driver....

    Now after closing the game for the first time these error are back. Cant play a single minute.

    d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005]
    d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005]


    Checked the game files with steam. It downloaded nothing. I guess the files are ok.

  3. I am back with news. I collected some error from the game crashes "7daystodie.exe stop working"



    InvalidOperationException: Cannot access the data as it is not available
      at UnityEngine.Rendering.AsyncGPUReadbackRequest.GetData[T] (System.Int32 layer) [0x00016] in <4bba812690714c578170328b4ec178d0>:0

      at OcclusionManager.OnRequest (UnityEngine.Rendering.AsyncGPUReadbackRequest req) [0x00010] in <0266d593c0f442fa83ca9e728741ee90>:0

    InvalidOperationException: Cannot access the data as it is not available

      at UnityEngine.Rendering.AsyncGPUReadbackRequest.GetData[T] (System.Int32 layer) [0x00016] in <4bba812690714c578170328b4ec178d0>:0

      at OcclusionManager.OnRequest (UnityEngine.Rendering.AsyncGPUReadbackRequest req) [0x00010] in <0266d593c0f442fa83ca9e728741ee90>:0


    d3d11: failed to create buffer (target 0x1 mode 1 size 5248) [0x887A0005]
    d3d11: failed to create buffer (target 0x2 mode 1 size 492) [0x887A0005]
    d3d11: attempt to lock null buffer
    d3d11: attempt to lock null buffer
    d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005]
    d3d11: failed to create buffer (target 0x5 mode 1 size 2448) [0x887A0005]
    d3d11: failed to create buffer (target 0x2 mode 1 size 204) [0x887A0005]
    D3D shader create error for vertex shader [0x887a0005]


    D3D11: Failed to create RenderTexture (1024 x 1024 fmt 53 aa 1), error 0x887a0005


    d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005]


    I dont know what it is but the 887a0005 should guide to the problem.


    Startet a new Map today (RNG) and i am into a big industry town. The crash happens in less than 2 minutes. That means this error are only from 3 crashes today.

  4. 9 minutes ago, Jugginator said:

    Thank you very much for the information and testing, perfect info.

    Hey no problem. I want a clean game, you want it, we all want it :)


    When you need some more informations or want that i test something than tell me 👍

  5. I tested now for a few hours. This is my resault.

    For better understanding, here are all my settings.

    Launcher option



    Settings game exe and launcher exe.







    I found out that the "SS-reflexions" causes my AMD driver to crash. Tunring "SS-reflexions" off solved the problem.


    The next problem is a crash from the unityengine. Turning off "Sunrays" Fixed not the problem but it happens less often.


    Here is a picture of the enginecrash. I dont know if this on top a error code but its every time the same.



    I am open for questions :)

    Sorry i saw the settings have a bad quality, here is a more quality version of the pictures.



  6. 11 hours ago, Jugginator said:


    Ah hah! Thanks for trying and reporting that. I honestly have no clue why it's doing it to you, but it's likely an incompatibility (as in, maybe AMD hasn't included support for this implement of SS reflections) with this series of GPUs. I'll wait to hear back from you, but that confirms that part. I'll make a ticket on it in the meantime.

    I startet a new Map for the testing. Daytime 60min

    Good news and bad news.

    Good news: after deactivade ss reflexions not a single amd driver crash.

    Bad news: When i start walking to the first town to meet the trader. At a trader distance 370m 7daystodie.exe stop working. Start the game again, everything is fine. Walking through the streets for a house that i can turn into a base. The game crashes again without any notice. I was simply back in windows and the game was off.

    I tryed to fly through the city with godmode. I got a gamecrash from the unityengine stop working😵


    I would play normal and let you now anything new after the first bloodmoon. (This was actually only Day1 13:00)

  7. 1 hour ago, Jugginator said:


    Does running with SSAO, SS reflections off help? Also try turning off reflection quality. Just trying to narrow it down a little bit


    You are a ginius. ❤️

    I tried what you said and it works. I did the following.

    Tunring off all 3 options = no crash

    Tunring on reflections step by step = no crash

    Add the shadow reflection to reflection (ultra) = no crash

    Tuning on SS reflections (no matter how high) = instant game crash


    I am not 100% sure its only the SS reflections but thats it for the first sign.

    I would play with my settings above but with SS reflections off. After some hours of play time i would post my resault here.

  8. 1 hour ago, Jugginator said:


    Yeah, that's usually a go to. When you do it, do make sure to either have your internet off when you reboot (after using DDU to uninstall) or select the option in DDU to prevent windows from installing a basic driver from windows update.


    I did it.

    starting my system in safe mode, no internet. Use DDU for uninstall my drivers.

    Set the setting for blocking windows to install a basic driver.

    Did that two times.

    Installing the driver manually. Restart the system, turn on the internet.


    Still the same Problem. The only difference is that i got a message from my AMD Driver, Driver runtime timout.

    At least the same as before. 😞 It looks so good with DirectX but i have to change back to vulkan.

    Crashes every 1-10min is no fun.

    Its the only game i have this problem.

    For example some games i play without problems.

    Bloons TD6, Dredge, FarCry 6, Farming Simulator 22, House Flipper and House Flipper 2 Demo,Dordic Ashes, Sons of the Forest, The Hunter Call of the Wild, Valheim, COD MW2, Diablo 4

  9. 19 hours ago, Jugginator said:

    My main guess is the driver isn't able to handle some of the new reflections put in, may want to try using DDU to uninstall the driver and get a fresh one installed. We have some teammates with newer AMD cards that haven't had issues, but I had an older AMD card a while back that had frequent issues with drivers, I started installing the drivers without using the AMD radeon software and it was more stable. A PC reboot with the game crash is a worse version of a driver dying/timing out.


    A crash dump would be better to see what's going on if any of yall could snag one.


    You mean i should use DDU for clean my drivers and fresh install the newest verion.

    Well, i try it at this weekend. Wish me luck and thank you for the tip.


    PS: The crash is in A21 stable the same, nothing changed so far.

  10. 18 hours ago, megasayangoku said:

    interesting fix, i had the same problem with 7 days crashing my pc and causing it to reboot.  VERY annoying.  i did your fix, so far i've played close to an hour w/ no crashes.   i hope this continues.


    My crash effects only the game not the whole system.

    At Vulkan is the performance not as good as on DirectX but hey, we can play.

  11. 12 hours ago, Blaze13 said:

    By any chance is Steam or Chrome crashing with the game? I also have a Saphire 7900 XTX and wonder if it's a combination of the AMD Drivers and whatever version of Unity. 


    Hi, nope. Only the game crash. Nothing else. Its only this unity engine game with this problem. For me so far.

  12. Dont know if it helps a bit but i found a "solution" not a good one but it works so far.


    1) 7DaysToDie.exe right click properties - compatibility - Deactivate "Full screen optimazation"

    click on "High DPI-options"  set the hook at the bottom box and press OK.

    (same task for the 7dLauncher.exe)


    2) Start the 7dLauncher and disable "Exclusive full screen" and set the Graphik-API to "Vulkan"


    3) Start the game, at the ingame options make sure you have "Full screen" "ON" but not the "Exclusive" !!!


    It works so far but its not the very same as playing with DirectX. But i am glad i can play.

    Hope you guys can find the DirecX problem ingame :3

  13. Sorry i saw the "how to" to late. Heres a update version of my Post.


    Summary: Game freez with crash

    Game Version: (A21 b317)

    OS/Version: Windows 10 64bit

    CPU Model: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X3D 8-Core Processor  3.40 GHz

    System Memory: 32GB 3200/3600MGHZ DDR4

    GPU Model and VRAM:  AMD Radeon RX 7900 XTX Sapphire Nitro+ 24GB Vram

    Screen Resolution: 2560x1440 (Fullscreen)Dynamic resolution = Off,Vsync = Off, FOV=85

    Video Settings:

    Texturequality= Full
    Texturefiltering= Ultra
    UMA-Texturequality= High
    Quality of reflexions = Ultra
    Reflected shadows= On
    Shadowdistance = Ultra
    Quality of water = High
    Partikels = 100%
    Viewdistance = 100%
    Level of Detail = 100%
    Terrain Quality = Ultra
    Lawndistance = High
    Object qualtiy =Ultra
    Ambient occolusion = On
    Bloom = Off
    Depht of field = Off
    Motion blur = Off
    SSAO = On
    SS-Reflection = High
    Sunrais = On

    Game mode: Singleplayer, RWG Map = 6144x6144 - Seed = gfhn642h


    Did you wipe old saves? Yes


    Did you start a new game? Yes


    Did you validate your files? Yes


    Are you using any mods? No (testet it with mod too but that changed nothing)


    EAC on or off? OFF


    Status: NEW


    Bug Description: Game freez with crash


    Detailed steps to reproduce the bug:

    1)Beeing near or inside some POIs. (mostly in citys and near a trader)

    2)After login. From now up to 30min to crash.

    3)Inside, outside, walk around, open stuff. Completly random. Day, night no matter.


    Actual result: (description of what is occurring)

    Game freez with crash

    Expected result: (what you expect to occur)

    No game freez with crash

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