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Posts posted by Chaos337

  1. 1 minute ago, Falaffel said:

    Read and maybe edit the serverconfig according to your config (pathes, etc). And you need DF (ofc same version) also on the client side.

    I stated that I did those things in my post ^_^

    *I took the server config file that came with the darkness falls download and replaced the original server cofix xml. I made my edits to server name, map, etc. And the server text displayed the changes which I verified were all correct.

    * I used a laptop that uses modlauncher to keep darkness falls up to date. (And plays darkness falls in single/multiplayer just fine). It shows on the server text that a user is connecting when I connect using the laptop. When receiving the config files from the server is when I get a bunch of errors stating that files are missing.


    I can not tell if the files from the link on page 1 are the same as the files used in the mod launcher or not but I would assume they all pull from the same source.

  2. I need assistance setting up a personal server to run Darkness falls.

    * I have already verified that I am able to connect to the server on vanilla game files.


    I followed the instructions from the first page of this topic; I clicked the link for server downloads/manual install. I clicked the 3 dots and downloaded the zip, then extracted the zip to my desktop (this way if something messes up I have clean files), I copied all the downloaded files into the 7 days to die dedicated server game file, I deleted the original server configuration xml and renamed the darkness falls server config to what the original file was named.


    I then run the batch file to start the server. 

    All of the settings that I changed in the darkness falls config are shown in the boot up text for the server. The server finishes its boot and states it has started.


    I use a laptop (that uses modlauncher to keep darkness falls up to date) to play and connect to the server.

    *The text on the server shows a user is connecting. 

    *On the laptop a bunch of red errors start popping up when "receiving configuration files" that state files are missing. 


    Where did I go wrong?

  3. I'm having an issue, I just installed the mod via 7D2DModLauncher. I Pre-Sync the mod before launching it via the mod launcher. When the game loads I try to create a new game using one of the Darkness Falls premade maps but they aren't there. I checked to see if the maps were in the game under the following directories: 7D2D\Alpha18\Darkness_Falls\Darknss_Falls\Data\Wor lds there are only the following maps: Navesgane, Playtesting, PREGEN01, PREGEN02,PREGEN03. I also checked in "username"\AppData\Roaming\7DaysToDie\GeneratedWor lds. There is nothing there for the Darkness Falls maps. I dont want to play the mod on Navesgane or the other default Pregen maps. Please help so I can enjoy this beautiful piece of work!!! I have already tried deleting the copy of the game for DKF and reinstalling via mod launcher but I got the same result.

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