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Posts posted by art336

  1. First impression of the mod.


    Okay, so this is the very first mod I have played. Started playing right after alpha 15 came out, and I have 636 hours logged. I really like it. Never edited anything or played a mod yet, just standard default settings. I think I may have restarted about five or six times, whenever the game gets stale because, let's face it, when you can build an entirely concrete building in about five minutes and kill any horde you see within moments it gets pretty boring.

    Well, I installed this yesterday and my first honest opinion was "No way I'm going to like this, WAY too easy! There's every plant in the game in the desert, and there's yucca and aloe everywhere. What? First car and corpse each have a complete gun with plenty of ammo? This is gonna suck".

    Well, then night came and I get my first look at the skill page. Second thought is "Wait, I can't plant anything until I get a perk? Better go scrounge up some more plants, I hope there's enough!"


    This is a great mod I think. It doesn't affect the difficulty of the game per se, nor does it fundamentally change my playstyle, but it does add a much needed extra dimension to the first few weeks.


    Oh, and I'm very happy that now chickens, deer, and bears no longer turn into bacon and eggs. That was so funny to me. "I want bacon, oooh, a chicken!"

    My only issue is a certain amount of lag in the inventory, forge, etc.

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