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Posts posted by majinvegito123

  1. Besids one suvivalist class paper i found no outcommented class paper in loot.xml?

    But looking at some entries there, they have a very low drop chance in additional very rare crates.

    Protection Class Paper only drops at 0.06 in an ArmorandClothingDrop. I haven't even found one single drop of these kind (i guess that are the random crates on the map protected by spikes?)


    I guess that is the class you need to craft armor? We played on our sever atm to day 60 and nobody of us is able to craft any armor. :D We all up to now use none or just crapy looted ones.


    Also still haven't found out how fishing is supposed to work.


    I guess we'll cook all our meat now. If i got you right the finally cooked meals like boiled rabbit, grilled pork will remain after the update? And then i'll try updated to 5.1.



    I have found a Protection class paper. And a survivalist. Like 50 survivalist ones.

  2. That sounds wicked. I'm looking forward to it. I'm not a fan of localization. Don't really like the setup.


    - - - Updated - - -




    Yes. I now know that the minibike storage doesn't need a modified dll file or whatever so doing that will still be EAC friendly.


    - - - Updated - - -




    Have you completed the protection class training quest chain?


    yes I have completed the protection class training quests. It lets me craft Iron Chest armor, but none of the others.

  3. Anyone know why I'm a protection class person but I can't craft Iron Armor? It tells me I don't have the required recipe..When I go into Skills it says 0/5 Iron Armor.. Can't buy the skillpoints and for requirements it says "Protection Class 2 1" which is strange

  4. Dwallorde I'm not messing around. If you don't release this mod today, then I'm unfortunately not giving you my generous donation of one whole US Dollar. So It'd be wise to do so

  5. Does anyone know how to get the Armor Smithing Workbench? Do I need aBuilder Class?


    EDIT: I'm level 100 but I can't progress in content because of class restrictions? And I've searched for hours and haven't found a single class paper. Literally can't even craft Iron Armor, and am stuck with Iron Tools..

  6. Hey, just out of curiosity do the survivors wander around aimlessly or are they the kind you can recruit a la stallionsdens and spiders mods?


    They seem to wander aimlessly.


    Anyway, is there a working sink like in Valmod? would be nice.

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