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Record Comments posted by timmodude

  1. I've had this bug happen now twice in my current world, requiring me to restore a backup of a save to resolve.  I seem to encounter the same circumstances.


    Driving a vehicle that seems to hit an invisible wall is the first indicator that something is wrong.  I did notice that the vehicle seemed to be dipped down in front, like the front end had fallen into an invisible hole in the terrain.  Later, my drone seemed to be "stuck", just sitting in one spot, not following.  Very soon after, I fell into a glitched part of the world, just bouncing up and down between being under the terrain and above it.  The first time it happened I was able to just jump out of the "hole" and resume normally.  The second time, I jumped and ended up half in and half out of the terrain, having to break a block to get unstuck.  Up to this point the game resumed acting normally and playable.


    Back in my vehicle driving back to base is when the game/save breaking bug happens.  Frames drop to 1-2 FPS because of "Origin ray fail", "Origin Reposition"


    As far as I have seen, there is no getting out of it.  The save is bugged and can not be played.

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