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Posts posted by Kelath

  1. No, it will not be compatible with 99.9% of "modlets", because I am overhauling the whole game, items, blocks, recipes, loot, traders, entities, quests, user interface etc. People, who will want to use my mod and have modlets will have to make custom modlets to mod the mod, not vanilla game.


    That's what I figured, it is rather impressive the amount of modifications you've had to make to create such a stunning mod.


    Thanks for letting me know about your plans to overhaul the farming aspect, I always found the base games farming and food options rather lacking for a survival game. Well at least the type of zombie survival game I'm looking for.


    Looking forward to trying your mod when it is released for A17.

  2. This looks amazing.


    I did have a question and I know it might just come down to me experimenting, but do you think your mod will work with both the Farming Expansion 1.1 mod (https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?109540-Farming-Expansion-1-1) and Farm Life v2 mode (https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?111581-Farm-Life-v2)? I noticed on your website that you are overhauling the nutrition system, so I'm not sure how all that would jive. I'm thinking they probably aren't compatible, but always worth an ask for a general guess based on what you know of your mod and how well it may or may not play with others.


    Thanks in advance!

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