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Posts posted by Snappy

  1. Hi Delerium, have you found a fix or still battling? I have the same issue.


    It would seem that in the quest.xml that the line requiring you to craft the farmer station says just 'farmer' when it should read 'farmerBlock'


    <quest id="Q_Farm_E4" group_name="Food for Everyone" name="Survivor's Farm 4/6" subtitle="Farmer Station" description="While we waiting for survivors, we can prepare a Farmer station.\nCollect materials and craft one.\nYou need to place it near a girl survivor.\nYou can also tell her to follow you and place the station at desired destination." icon="ui_game_symbol_q_farm5" repeatable="false" category_key="Quest" offer="Share your knowledge." difficulty="medium">

    <objective type="FetchKeep" id="hoeIron" value="1" />

    <objective type="FetchKeep" id="forgedIron" value="10" />

    <objective type="FetchKeep" id="bucket" value="2" />

    <objective type="Craft" id="farmerBlock" value="1" />

    <reward type="Quest" id="Q_Farm_E5" />


    Great job on the mod Starvation team. Enjoying it very muchly :smile-new:

  2. ok i narrrowed down the error I am having, it's Survivalist Quest 3. *IF* I attempt to look into the quest log for what i need to do for said quest, it opens the console and spits out a never ending loop containing the following :




    i realize it's easy enough just to avoid hitting that, but thought you might want to know the bug.


    on a side note, could someone tell me what i need to do to complete that quest?




    If my memory serves me right you have to kill 3 animals and 5 zombies with any weapon equipped.

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