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Posts posted by magnus333

  1. A few things after playing for a while:

    1) How does one craft gunpowder normally? I can make it for 1/1 nitrate/coal at a chem station, but the regular recipe is 2/2 but it shows a hammer to the right side and can't be crafted anywhere that I can see.


    2) After getting 1 point in stone crafting, the table saw CRAFT shows up but it's greyed out?



    From a balance perspective, it's kinda crazy how many small stones come from digging at dirt roads (average of 3 per swing!).

    Also mason seems categorically better than carpenter as a profession as you can craft infinite cobble stone blocks for basic resources from day 1, but carpenter requires finding an anvil to make nails to craft more then 10 blocks (or demoing a structure to build a few more after spending many hours clearing zombies). On top of that stone is 250%? stronger than wood.




  2. Maybe it be better if you told me what you think the problem is with the Power Swing instead of making me guess.


    You can use both the left and right mouse buttons to perform regular swings and power swings against objects at the same time


    I really don't know how to explain it any better or simpler than that. Did you not read the "at the same time" bit? I even gave an example with specific instructions and results that you can replicate in under 60s. From your replies I honestly can't tell if this is a bug, and exploit, or an intended mod mechanic.


    I would expect that the player could EITHER regular attack OR power attack at one time. Currently you can regular attack AND power attack while only having to watch and be delayed by the regular attack animation. Holding down both buttons is better then holding down either one, whether 0 or 200 stamina, whether attacking a rock or a zombie, so I'm inclined to think this is a bug but for all I know you expect players to run around in the mod holding down both left and right buttons and being constantly out of stamina while harvesting and killing everything very quickly.

  3. I'm not sure you are following on the swing issue. I just did a test against 5000 HP trees with the same axe and full stamina each time:

    1) Hold left mouse button: 7.6s to finish chopping.

    2) Hold right mouse button: 9.3s to finish chopping

    3) Hold left & right mouse buttons: 3.9s to finish chopping.


    Even with 0 stamina it is still faster to hold both buttons down to harvest than it is to only hold left mouse with full stamina.


    The same thing works on zombies as well, using an iron club and holding both buttons down I was able to perma disorient a zombie and kill it in half the time vs using either left or right click alone.


    As for recipes:

    1) Hunter's Knife recipe does not mention needing a forge.


    2) Wrench does not mention needing a forge.


    3) Iron Arrows doesn't mention needing a forge for the heads. This one is kinda obvious but after doing the two above and then this one I just assumed none of the recipes mentioned which bench they needed but in fact I see now that virtually all of them mention which bench they need except the ones I happened to train this game (these three in this order).


    4) I understand how the wood spikes work and why you made them work like that, they were extremely OP in vanilla, or at least they were (I haven't played vanilla in ages thanks to your mod). However this is precisely why I was bringing it up, the first thing I expect new players to do coming from vanilla is attempt to make wood spikes. I realize now that quest #21/21 explains how to use them but no one is going to read that before getting confused and wondering if the mod is broke. If not making a functional but weak version why not just put a level gate on the recipe around the time you expect the player to have a tool (10?). I'm just trying to make the mod more accessible to new people so they can enjoy it as much as I have.



    As for my horde issue, I think it is because we always build bases on or next to huge lakes. Just sitting in the base and using command to list entities I see 0 zombies in the list while at the base at all times. Going to avoid water next time.

  4. You can use both the left and right mouse buttons to perform regular swings and power swings against objects at the same time (just hold down both buttons). Even with 0 stamina you can chop down a tree in less than half the time as just holding left button, same with rocks, etc.


    I played with some friends in coop last night, up to day 11. Our 7 day horde did not spawn at all. In fact we've noticed that day 1 has by far the most zombies, they are just all over the place as we rapidly attempt to run to each other. By day 11 we saw 0 wandering hordes, 0 night hordes, and even walked into a fallout city and only saw a single zombie anywhere in the entire area. Sounds like something has gone wrong? Also, we've never seen the chicken/bear hordes or anything like that from the first post of this thread, are those still in the game?



    In terms of balance I'd just like to echo what someone else was saying before about the mod being very confusing with unlocks that give you absolutely nothing because the thing you just unlocked is hidden behind a gate you didn't know about. Even right in the beginning of the game with wood spikes you need a tool to 'finish' them but don't have access to any tools for 7+ days unless you get a lucky drop. 5 months ago we played till day 50 or so and after that experience and having restarted 4-5 times in the last week (limited # of deaths between us) our expectation of any recipe learned or skills purchases is that we won't be able to do anything with them until much later in the game. Some of this is UI related, recipes requiring a bench but there being no indication that a bench is necessary until it's already purchased and some of it is simply obtuse like wood spikes which are craftable on day 1 but not usable until day 10 or more in most circumstances.


    There are so many things in the mod that's it's just impossible to remember everything so making things more intuitive would be a nice quality of life enhancement. For example the spikes could be functional immediately but AWFUL until upgraded with a tool and many of the skills could reference the specific bench needed before purchased, etc.

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