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Posts posted by Cotabucky

  1. Well done Fun Pimps and all involved helping make this so awesome! I usually change the xml hard on server. I am enjoying this vanilla a ton!!! . We will see over time if I gotta tweak something haha. I love all the changes so far! Great job and the best money I have ever spent on a game! Make some awesome DLC content at some point and I will buy it! 100% Early Access success story!

  2. Very Nice Bio. I think the proof of your passion shows in 7DTD :) . This game always had something special about it and I have been playing games since Pong(41 yrs old) lol.Played 7DTD since A5. Nearly 1000hrs in and look forward to every new update. Your team proves what Early Access on steam should be about.Even being a smaller team I notice when sales are down the steam player stats are always at least in the top 20 games played.I expect the A13 to bump that up again(hopefully along with sales).Your building a hardcore fan base.I like the fact your patience seems to pay off and if customers are patient, I believe 7DTD will continue to pay off for them as well. Can't wait for Alpha 13. Keep up the great work. A12 had issues with my system but hoping to dive hard into it again soon. I can see the utility bill go up from running a server 24/7 again lol. Oh well ,it will keep us warm on the cold winter nights in Maine ;) .Thanks Fun Pimps

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