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Posts posted by gamemeister

  1. Sorry for the delay in answering.


    It seems like one of the settings is bad in the game. Does the launcher start at all, or just errors out and stops you from continueing?


    If it does continue to launch, you can go to File -> Clear -> Clear Steam Paths, and see if that helps.


    It doesn't launch at all. As you said errors then stops me from continuing.

  2. Whenever I try to download the mod launcher I get this error message:

    Error Starting Application: System.ArgumentException: Illegal characters in path.

    at System.Io.Path.CheckInvalidPathChars (String path, Boolean checkAdditional)

    at _7D2DLauncher.frmMain.UpdateTreeNod()


    System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox.OnSelectedIndexChanged(EventArgs e)

    at System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox.set_SelectedIndex (Int32 value)


    _7D2DLauncher.frmMain.cboSteamPaths_SelectedIndexChanged(Object sender, EventArgs e)

    at System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox.set_SelectedIndex (Int32 value)

    at 7D2DLauncher.frmMain.InitializeScreen()

    at_7D2DLauncher.Program.Main(String[] args)


    I have no idea what any of this means so if you know how to fix it the help would be much appreciated. Also, I know almost nothing about computers so please explain how to fix it as if you were talking to a child. Thank you in advance.

  3. Sorry for the trouble. Sounds like your anti-virus may have nuked it.


    Did you download the 7d2dmodlauncher.exe and try it?


    Yeah I did download that but it still doesn't work. Any other ideas? I don't really know what the problem could be since I don't know a ton about computers but hopefully you can help me figure it out. If you need to know anything else in order to help just let me know and I'll try my best to answer. Thanks for the quick reply btw.

  4. I was wondering if perhaps anyone could help me figure out an issue I'm currently having with the mod launcher. My issue is this: I can download the mod launcher just fine but whenever I try to open it nothing happens, the strange part is I had it working earlier this same day when I first downloaded it but now it won't work. I didn't do anything that would mess it up or at least I don't think so, all I did was open it to make sure it worked then, closed it since I had other stuff to do and now it won't work. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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