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Posts posted by Faolan

  1. As a console only 7dtd player im sadly stuck in the past, A16. Before TTG gave up the ghost we received garage doors. There 2x3 and open out words. Allowing the mini bike and the player to enter. I know these persist in the game currently, but aren't big enough to let the 4x4 through.

    Iv seen videos and POIs that use rolling garage doors. But i cant find any info on these. So now im asking here. Are these something yo can make without creative, or they a mod? Like whats the scoop.


    Thanks in advance

  2. Obviously this is way out from now and possibly when/if raiders get added. 


    Zombie raiders/bandits. I feel this would be natural as bandits would either by stupidity or through combat either get infected, bit, or even killed by a zombie. Or even some other cause. Regardless of the reason for why. I feel it would make sense to see zombie bandits, covered in makeshift armor, tough to deal with, heavy hitting, possibly a running charge attack? Or maybe just a common infected.


    Just think they would make sense once bandits arrive.

  3. Thanks for the replies, im a little sad that voxel still doesn't match up. But i understand. Its also no nice to know that clay is literally everywhere now and that farm plots automatically replant themselves. Like that's awesome. its also good to know that my stats are more level base and i won't be boned if you die after just loading in. Yes i know there's no zombie spawns around you when you spawn. 


    Cool, thank you all for the info. I really appreciate it.

  4. Let me start by saying i have not played the PC version of the game, and only the abandoned console version. Yes im a little salty. But now that next gen consoles are out, some hope has rekindled. But that lead me to realize that everything i used to know, from A15 is very much out of date. I have tried to do some research. But there are things i couldn't find reliable info on.


    For starters, did tfp ever make it so the voxel you create from dirt fragments, (or is it all just clay now?) Do they match up to blocks? As they used to leave a triangular gap from land to block. This was suggested to them when i played but no idea if it happened.


    Second, how does upgrading concrete work exactly? I know you can make wet concrete blocks, which dry and need upgrades, and rebar frames still upgrade to reinforced, but i heard these now have a wooden form stage first? Am i anywhere near correct?


    Third, how do you gain more max HP and Stamina? I know its not by wellness anymore. But how do you do it now? Do you still lose max HP and stamina when you die?


    Farming, I know farm plots replaced the hoe tool, is fertilizer still a thing or was that removed as well? I know there's farming perks, but do you still get two crops base without perks so you can replant? Or do you only get one without perks? 


    Question about the upcoming black destroys to air. More specifically iron blocks. Currently the fram upgrades to two diffrent black cks, but they both each have 1k hp. Currently they down grade for a combined total of 2k health. Will this block upgrade to 2k health when this gets implemented? 


    If I can get answers to those questions then id have a decent idea on what it would entail. Assuming it doesn't change.

    Does anyone have any idea when 7dtd is supposed to go gold?

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