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Posts posted by WarWren

  1. 10 hours ago, Laran Mithras said:

    I've lived with and around guns for 60 years now. I carry every day. Qualified for several licenses but never shot competitively. I live iron sights. When I am on the range or just dry-aiming, iron sights all the way: it's a natural thing.


    In game? I use the reticle and it doesn't bother me a bit. I'm there for the game, not aiming realism.

    Just saying.

    No bullet drop, no wind consideration, and extremely limited gun range?

    I'm fully happy with the way it is.

    I'm not happy with the sights and neither is Hitler. Still love the game though. 


    Hear him out.


    The forum reacts to Alpha and the dev stream. (captiongenerator.com)

  2. Awesome update TFP


    -New lighting is subtle but fantastic.


    -Random gen is great. My current map is flawless. Roads are believable and even scenic now.  The new and updated POI'S and art make a huge difference to this. It's fantastic for a random voxel world.


    -Learning from magazines just makes sense  and fixes the class based bottlenecks. The amount of magazines could be adjusted vs rarity or the introduction of tiered books as in Project Zomboid. Its works though.


    -The perception class is a worthy class- specifically because of the spears ability to hit through multiple zeds and the salvage perk  which has become much more useful with the less abundant gas. 


    More raw resources in POIs by way of pallets is a good thing but I still don't like the amount of it in containers and cupboards and the like . It's still a junk lootfest in those. Loot could be more sparse and tied to more specific common sense containers. 


    This is my opinion, the game is still great though.



  3. On 6/29/2023 at 6:47 AM, Kalex said:

    from patch notes:


    • Dew collector creates activity heat when filling

    That's some serious bs change there. Why the hell would the condensation dripping attract zombies????

    Because why the hell do zombies exist at all - it's a game. Don't we want more zombies? Water purifiers are part of the whole racket of having a base. Those sorts of questions lead to more obvious questions like, why do hordes of zombies come every 7 days. The answer is still the same - because it's a game, a zombie game.

  4. On 4/30/2023 at 3:48 PM, MichaelL. said:

    I'm loving all of the new potted plants that have been added.  However, don't you think a lot of them would be dead in an apocalypse with nobody around to water them..?  ;)

    It's a zombie game  - the dead are living. 😉

  5. The current zombies (which are great), have a lot of character but that lends to them standing out when there are more than one.  If they were to do more generic flesh eaten bloodied zombies to go  with the current models or a more skeletal zombie then I wonder if there would be less of a cloned look. Contrary to this though I do think the zombies with all their character have become quite iconic. I also like the idea of a common grunt zombie to fill numbers, especially for horde night. It is the big variations between the models that ironically makes them stand out as clones.

  6. Having played this game since the early alphas, graphics were never the first attraction. Aside from the skill rebalancing, with the latest Dev video we have seen more and are due to see more art that will simply save the game from death by bad graphics. The biggest note for this game is horde night.


    However, bandits, the story and character customisation will be the substance that defines how the game gets beyond its current state into a truly complete experience. IMO bandits and story could both be game breakers or game makers. Alpha 21 is a safe alpha. As much as we want them, it's a good thing the Devs take their time to get bandits right. I certainly feel there is a lot at stake with the next alphas.

  7. With a21 taking such a long time and bug fixing aside I wonder what exactly is holding it up.  Bandits were stated to be pushed back because they wouldn't be polished enough for an A21 release so with all the extra time waiting for release anyway, bandits are surely getting closer too. Could it be possible that bandits will make it? There never was a concrete no to that, only the statement that it would be unlikely to make a21.


    Devs feel free to answer, not because you owe us but because it would be awesome to know. Surely there will be a few surprises.

  8. 14 hours ago, RipClaw said:

    This is not always true. There are things that can be described as a problem that have nothing to do with a personal opinion. For example, bugs.

    You always have to put it in context.


    Generally speaking yes. but we are talking about 7 days to die. When someone can spend 10,000 hours on a game regardless of bugs then it's a pretty good game in my books and I am talking about THIS game and maybe I should have made that clear..........................................................................................

  9. 3 hours ago, IzPrebuilt said:

    If you actually watched the video you'd see that they're going through the steam reviews to gauge the community opinion. The title "i have problems with 7dtd" would have literally been innaccurate.

    True, but I was responding precisely to that statement. 

  10. TFP can absolutely make lore to justify dew collectors in a zombie apocalypse. Toxic water cannot be made clean by simply boiling it. Personally I'd like to see a distilling device as an advancement on the dew collector. Moreover, taking jars to a river for water isn't a done thing. Taking buckets however....we can still do that. Whatever we feel about what should or shouldn't happen we are really just accepting our own version of fantasy because there are zombies after all.

  11. 22 hours ago, Roland said:

    Lol. The secret stash bit brought  belly laughs. 


      Regarding the wiring changes, hiding wiring with some well placed relays was an enjoyable challenge and part of the way I like to play which is trying to keep bases real and authentic. Part of the fun of survival games for me is the challenge of maintaining the authenticity of the personal experience -keeping things real amid an extreme external experience. Hiding wires is not a big loss and I'm sure a positive for most players but it is another small detail removed.

  12. 1 hour ago, bdubyah said:

    So all these people that hate the idea of learn by looting...did you hate back when finding the minibike book and forge books and stuff were total RNG? There were a lot of people that didn't like when that was changed back then, and this new system sounds like a full blown version of that. I don't see why there's so much hate for it, it's not like it's totally new to the game. Also, people have long cried for removing weapon crafting from being perk-gated, which it sounds like this will do.


    I remember loving the hunt for those books, so I'm hopeful this system will bring some of that feeling back.

    I miss those days too.


    In defense of the new "learn by looting" system - it's not a new concept and is a wonderful part of the zombie survival game, Project Zomboid.  Learning by reading books just makes sense and finding said books is exciting. Personally, this is my favorite change for A21. I really hope this makes loot more relevant to the place its looted thus making POI's more relevant too. My big gripe with loot is the ability to find most of it in most places. I hope magazines make finding certain POI's exciting again making each POI more special in its own right by way of localized loot.  

  13. Regarding the new feature:


    Sign indicates special event. Timer indicates every 15 days and circular arrows say its re-occurring. Goonies indicates a treasure (airdrop) which bad guys will also be after. Outward facing feet and three arrows indicates travel away to the event.


    So. airdrop/ treasure hunt every 15 days with bandits guarding it.


    Another more imaginative event would be every 15 days bandits take over a new nearby POI replacing zombie sleeper volumes so that the town becomes dangerous unless each new occupation is squashed.

  14. The trader seems to be placed on the same t-junction, in every town, opposite the same vacant plot. I hope that part of random gen gets a bit more randomisation especially considering the trader is a focal point in each town. There was a certain character in the old alphas when traders were in unique locations. Traders in the middle of town wouldn't be so bad.

  15. With the wonderful new traders can we have player purchasable vehicles actually appear at said trader if they are available in his stock? It really would add to immersion if instead of putting it in our pockets we could actually drive it away. It would also add to the excitement especially for new players to see that vehicle for sale for real.


    Expanding upon this it is my wish to see vehicles appear in the world as repairable entities rather than them being craftable pieces. Only those perked into grease monkey  could build required parts to repair them. 


    This is not something for a mod in my opinion but necessary polish to how vehicles work and to add the discovery element to vehicles in the game.

  16. 12 hours ago, Guppycur said:

    I'm curious what the bandit to zombie to player relationship will be like. 

    Shall we throw rocks toward that bandit behind cover to get zombies to flush him out. Or, make enough noise to attract zombies toward us for our own bandit cover 

  17. How bandits deal with traps will bring a new dynamic the the base. I can see them firing on the more obvious traps and players setting hidden traps like collapsing floors etc. I wonder too will they attempt to cut power and attack vehicles should they find no entry. Hitting a generator  or interrupting an electrical circuit could cause problems  particularly for players with electric doors and traps. The good thing aboutt bandits is there won't need to be great numbers of them to bring spice to the game. 

  18. Things I would like to see in A21.


    Random gen wilderness and highway improvements.


    For wilderness: sheer cliffs, nicer rivers and wilderness shelter style cave stamps. For highways:something like nitrogen's highways, tree lined highways, highway POIs like rest stops and gas stations and a mountain underpass and more detailed intersections. The trader also needs a different piece of road to spawn on other than the same T junction.

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