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Posts posted by dimko

  1. On 8/31/2023 at 5:10 PM, BFT2020 said:

    They have 



    I appreciate you answered this, but I am afraid that link provided  had absolutely nothing useful on migration of world/save files. It explicitly or implicitly does not state what files to move where.


  2. Dev Team, PLEASE explain how save files work.


    In most games you have save folder. One file = one save.

    In 7dtd on other hand, there is world file, there is save file and there is xml file.

    I need to transfer game from Linux PC to Linux Dedicates Server. How do I go about it?


    What specific folders and files must i transfer and what spefifically I must have in XML file?


    Any documentation i find online is TRASH. This is closed sourced application, so it's on DEVS to explain how to back up or transfer saves.
    Please be kind, and explain this frustrating information.

  3. I am not a Fun Pimp.




    AMD Radeon R7 270

    This is what you have.

    That videocard is almost DECADE old...

    And it was pretty weak back then, based on release price.



    From funny resolution i conclude you are using laptop, isn't this the case?


    7days to die crush should not cause Steam issues.


    But both CAN be related as well, as, both can have same root cause.


    if issue happens reliably, run 10000 pings to some server, for example to see if you get any network packet loss.

    you can also see it near real time when game crashes if you see problem with pings.

    If time coincides - its somehow network or possibly hardware issue.




  4. You answered your own question it seems.
    I want to share my own experience.

    I have a dedicated server on my gaming PC(in virtualisation).

    When you start server for first time it takes easilly 10 minutes or more, depending on hardware, for it to generate new map.

    So give it 15 minutes and see if it works.


    instead of netstat I use:

    ss -tulpn


    command above will show you all network ports opened.

  5. from one of your paste bins:


    WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Legacy Shaders/Bumped Specular' - All subshaders removed
    WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
    WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
    ERROR: Shader Legacy Shaders/Bumped Specular shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
    WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Legacy Shaders/Bumped Specular' - All subshaders removed
    WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
    WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?

    Looks like OS/hardware woes.


    What OS friend has?

    What hardware?

    Is this a laptop?

    I take it back.

    2021-12-28T17:34:06 1423.432 INF NET: LiteNetLib: Client disconnect from: (Timeout)


    This to me suggests connection issues. Which COULD trigger problems with steam authentication, which could result in VAC validation failure, as Star69 suggested.


    Run 10000 pings to on friend's computer and see if there is a packet loss.

  6. Amazing report, Krougal.


    Similar here.(Albeit Linux guy)

    Single player game.

    Just got motorbike, took for a test ride, put bicycle in, in case I run out of fuel.

    Exit game. Game hangs on exit.

    Open up game in the morning.
    Motorbike is nowhere to be found and not visible on immediate map where I left it.


    Fun Pimps, I have improvement request. Create new boolean variable/new entry in save file. "user_has_motorbike". Once map loads, IF motorbike does not load for WHATEVER reasons, and said variable is set to "True" - user has said vehiclein back pack AND OR has a back pack spawned for him/her/zie/whatevertheF.

    As bonus, anything inside of vehicle, could be put in separate bag on spawn.


    Also I don't know if Vehicle MUST show up on map if it's 'in the ground'. Make it visible on map at all times, if its not the case.
    Most players are smart enough to dig if it's under ground.


    In my case my  motorbike is gone for good, restart or two did not help.


    I noticed something strange however.

    I had enough mechanical parts, to compile my motorbike.
    But not enough for second motorbike. And yet after reload, I could see enough to make second one.

    I doubt I returned to previous save, because i also need electric parts. Which I did not have enough.(i did have electric hand light, so i decompiled it to get enough). And wheels are gone, so had to use so hard to find acid.

  7. I am not a Fun Pimp.

    I would suggest a few more technical things if its OK with you.

    1. Run ram diagnostic tool of some kind. Ideally something that can boot from USB drive(hence independent of current OS).

    This means you need some advanced knowledge, but see if you can find some tutorials/youtube videos.

    2. Run harddisk diagnostic.

    3. If using any antivirus - just for short time disable it just to see if it causes issue.

  8. Similar issue.

    Just crafted first motorbike in solo game.

    Took it for a ride.

    Can't remember, possibly game crushed on exit.(game was responsive until I decided to exit, hanged on exit)

    I loaded this morning. And boom... No motorbike.

    And to add insult to injury,  I put bicycle inside of motorbike, in case i run out of fuel or smth.

    FM 7dtd L...


    Love the game, Pimps, thanks!

  9. I am not a Fun Pimp.

    I suspect there may be an offending feature of some kind.

    I know there is for me, I had to manipulate my configuration.

    I play on 5700XT on Linux.

    What I did, i switched off EVERYTHING, I made game really ugly, than switched on features one by one to see what was causing issues.


    I am luckier than you, I had my FPS low immediately, after enabling some feature.

    So I knew what is causing issues straight away.


  10. On 3/8/2021 at 1:28 PM, khzmusik said:

    TFP have said they will not introduce sleeping into the game, since it is too difficult to make it work in multi player. (Maybe possible but too much work to be worth it.)


    Also, beds do act as spawn points, but only player-crafted beds. Maybe that was the cause of the confusion?

    OK, implement them in single player than?

  11. On 9/13/2021 at 1:18 PM, Matt115 said:

    well you can turn off feral so this is quiet pointless .

    May be you can't  but you can swap type of zombie to another type with same HP percentage...

  12. Hello Devs.

    On one hand, it was good that dead bodies are no longer harvestable for fat/rotten meat/bones. I abused the shiitz out of it.

    But it took something away from game...

    I imagine eating a corpse or make glue from bones of decomposed body is not off the table in post apoPIZDETS(I am Russian, and I know it, lalala) world.

    What about...

    Sanity meter. Which can be restored by eating candy or some other activity. If it's low - you will get hallucinations(like weird noises or visions of zombies) or unable to properly control character, or collapse and not able to move for some time untill get hit a once or twice. Give player penalty. May be even harsh one.

  13. First start of server, depending on hardware can take LOOONG time.
    Before it starts - it must read a map.

    And on first start Map does not exist yet.(unless you use default map of some kind)

    Hence, server needs to BUILD map, and on weaker server it WILL take long time.

    I have had 4 core VM(ryzen 3950+) with 4 gigs of ram dedicated to VM, took me like 15 minutes or so to generate said map.

  14. I have noticed also, that you have:

    OPENGL LOG: Creating OpenGL 4.6 graphics device ; Context level  <OpenGL 4.5> ; Context handle 61953408


    I wonder what video card/driver do you use? Also it seems game expects OpenGL 4.6 graphic device/driver from message above,  but your machine can only do 4.5.

    Perhaps update of game raised slightly system requirements of game.

    And before someone blames anything on devs, it could be engine update(Unity) as part of update. So hard to predict what will fail, not only that, but 4.6 is pretty de-facto standard version for OpenGL.

    If I am right, you will need some video card upgrade.

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