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Posts posted by siku

  1. 22 minutes ago, SylenThunder said:


    First things... You're renting from Nitrado, and using a 12k world.  Does the level of your sub from them include 24-32GB RAM?  16GB is going to be pretty tight.


    I would disable distant rendering in the server config. That will help out with RAM utilization.


    I see this error after a player disconnects.

    2023-07-30T13:22:02 29866.362 ERR Save PlayerData file: The process cannot access the file 'C:\SERVICES\ni822678_1_SHARE\ftproot\sevendaysexperimental\Saves\Old Ziweuro Valley\ZombieMoo\Player\EOS_0002cc0255d94fa2835680d09b1846df.ttp.tmp' because it is being used by another process.
      at System.IO.FileSystem.DeleteFile (System.String fullPath) [0x0001a] in <03bd9b261dff4c2b8b568aca27f561b2>:0 
      at System.IO.File.Delete (System.String path) [0x00014] in <03bd9b261dff4c2b8b568aca27f561b2>:0 
      at SdFile.Delete (System.String path) [0x00011] in <054959adb6ea4346875067fe5397b69b>:0 
      at PlayerDataFile.Save (System.String _dir, System.String _playerName) [0x00072] in <054959adb6ea4346875067fe5397b69b>:0 

    Not sure why that would happen unless the client and save folders were not properly excluded, or if something external was accessing the file.


    I see it happen a few times, and could cause issues with trying to load player data when they are joining.


    this is server config file, SaveGameFolder and UserDataFolder should be same location right?

    Do you know how i can fix this error you highlighted?



    <?xml version="1.0"?>
     <property name="ServerName" value="Gamers Hub" />
     <property name="ServerDescription" value="A 7 Days to Die server" />
     <property name="Region" value="Europe" />
     <property name="Language" value="English" />
     <property name="ServerPort" value="25100" />
     <property name="ServerVisibility" value="2" />
     <property name="ServerDisabledNetworkProtocols" value="SteamNetworking" />
     <property name="ServerMaxPlayerCount" value="10" />
     <property name="ServerReservedSlots" value="0" />
     <property name="ServerReservedSlotsPermission" value="100" />
     <property name="ServerAdminSlots" value="0" />
     <property name="ServerAdminSlotsPermission" value="0" />
     <property name="TelnetEnabled" value="false" />
     <property name="TelnetPort" value="25160" />
     <property name="TelnetFailedLoginLimit" value="10" />
     <property name="TelnetFailedLoginsBlocktime" value="10" />
     <property name="TerminalWindowEnabled" value="true" />
     <property name="AdminFileName" value="serveradmin.xml" />
     <property name="EACEnabled" value="false" />
     <property name="HideCommandExecutionLog" value="0" />
     <property name="MaxUncoveredMapChunksPerPlayer" value="131072" />
     <property name="PersistentPlayerProfiles" value="false" />
     <property name="GameWorld" value="RWG" />
     <property name="WorldGenSeed" value="woolie" />
     <property name="WorldGenSize" value="12288" />
     <property name="GameName" value="ZombieMoo" />
     <property name="GameMode" value="GameModeSurvival" />
     <property name="GameDifficulty" value="3" />
     <property name="BlockDamagePlayer" value="100" />
     <property name="BlockDamageAI" value="100" />
     <property name="BlockDamageAIBM" value="100" />
     <property name="XPMultiplier" value="100" />
     <property name="PlayerSafeZoneLevel" value="5" />
     <property name="PlayerSafeZoneHours" value="5" />
     <property name="BuildCreate" value="false" />
     <property name="DayNightLength" value="60" />
     <property name="DayLightLength" value="18" />
     <property name="DropOnDeath" value="3" />
     <property name="DropOnQuit" value="0" />
     <property name="BedrollDeadZoneSize" value="15" />
     <property name="MaxSpawnedZombies" value="64" />
     <property name="MaxSpawnedAnimals" value="50" />
     <property name="EnemySpawnMode" value="true" />
     <property name="EnemyDifficulty" value="0" />
     <property name="ZombieFeralSense" value="0" />
     <property name="ZombieMove" value="0" />
     <property name="ZombieMoveNight" value="2" />
     <property name="ZombieFeralMove" value="3" />
     <property name="ZombieBMMove" value="3" />
     <property name="BloodMoonFrequency" value="20" />
     <property name="BloodMoonRange" value="0" />
     <property name="BloodMoonWarning" value="4" />
     <property name="BloodMoonEnemyCount" value="8" />
     <property name="LootAbundance" value="100" />
     <property name="LootRespawnDays" value="7" />
     <property name="AirDropFrequency" value="72" />
     <property name="AirDropMarker" value="false" />
     <property name="PartySharedKillRange" value="100" />
     <property name="PlayerKillingMode" value="2" />
     <property name="LandClaimCount" value="3" />
     <property name="LandClaimSize" value="41" />
     <property name="LandClaimDeadZone" value="30" />
     <property name="LandClaimExpiryTime" value="7" />
     <property name="LandClaimDecayMode" value="0" />
     <property name="LandClaimOnlineDurabilityModifier" value="4" />
     <property name="LandClaimOfflineDurabilityModifier" value="4" />
     <property name="LandClaimOfflineDelay" value="0" />
     <property name="DynamicMeshEnabled" value="true" />
     <property name="DynamicMeshLandClaimOnly" value="true" />
     <property name="DynamicMeshLandClaimBuffer" value="3" />
     <property name="DynamicMeshMaxItemCache" value="3" />
     <property name="TwitchServerPermission" value="90" />
     <property name="TwitchBloodMoonAllowed" value="false" />
     <property name="SaveGameFolder" value="C:\SERVICES\ni822678_1_SHARE\ftproot\sevendaysexperimental\Saves" />
     <property name="UserDataFolder" value="C:\SERVICES\ni822678_1_SHARE\ftproot\sevendaysexperimental\Saves" />
     <property name="WebDashboardPort" value="25150" />
     <property name="MaxQueuedMeshLayers" value="1000" />
     <property name="MaxChunkAge" value="-1" />
     <property name="AllowSpawnNearBackpack" value="true" />
     <property name="WebDashboardEnabled" value="false" />
     <property name="EnableMapRendering" value="false" />
     <property name="ServerMaxWorldTransferSpeedKiBs" value="512" />
     <property name="BedrollExpiryTime" value="45" />
     <property name="ServerMaxAllowedViewDistance" value="12" />
     <property name="TelnetPassword" value="" />



  2. On 7/29/2023 at 2:39 AM, Star69 said:

    He could try to narrow it down further by running the  tracert command and see if the issue is truly his isp. Run the command prompt as administrator and type tracert "server ip address" and he replaces server ip address with the actual ip address of the server without quotes. The results will list the latency of each hop from his house to the server. If the latency of the first hop is much greater than the others, the issue is either his router, modem or his isp. If he can borrow another router and rerun the tracert, the results will tell him if it's his router or the isp. If it's the router, he has his answer. If it's the isp, he could call the isp and have them test his connection to see if it is something that they can fix ie. bad wiring, bad modem, etc. In any case, there's nothing that tfp can fix.



    Line 12 **the three stars it says Request timed out**
    on Line 5, it doesnt give any extra info on the Star.

    It seems that the more people is on, the worse the problem is.

    Also people are getting stuck on the Map download.

  3. 23 minutes ago, Star69 said:

    He could try to narrow it down further by running the  tracert command and see if the issue is truly his isp. Run the command prompt as administrator and type tracert "server ip address" and he replaces server ip address with the actual ip address of the server without quotes. The results will list the latency of each hop from his house to the server. If the latency of the first hop is much greater than the others, the issue is either his router, modem or his isp. If he can borrow another router and rerun the tracert, the results will tell him if it's his router or the isp. If it's the router, he has his answer. If it's the isp, he could call the isp and have them test his connection to see if it is something that they can fix ie. bad wiring, bad modem, etc. In any case, there's nothing that tfp can fix.

    thx, gonna tell him

  4. we tried something new and this is what happened.

    Gportal - Disconnect very often
    Nitrado - No disconnect BUT fell through the ground and became stuck, Admin powers and debug mdoe flying did not work to fix it.

                  - Through internet he could not download the RWG map, Switched to Mobile network and it worked.

    If it is his provider that doesnt like something about the game, is this something TFP can fix?


  5. On 7/23/2023 at 3:17 AM, Star69 said:

    I’ve seen similar lines in other logs that no one has given any suggestions that worked but I will toss out some things. Be sure that on the server and players computers that you have excluded the game folder and saves folder from you antivirus software, including if you use Windows Defender. Before A21, the vast majority of EOS errors resolved once those folders were excluded. Is this the same for A21? I don’t know but it’s worth a try.


    On your router, be sure that the correct ports are forwarded: tcp 26900 and udp 26900-26903.


    Tfp added a network workaround in the settings. Have your friend select that option for her game. This would be the easiest to try and she can just uncheck it if it doesn’t help.

    Doesnt work.

    its a tad less frequent with no password, but still there, also whitelist doesnt help.


    These fixes you put it doesnt help either =(

  6. On 7/23/2023 at 3:17 AM, Star69 said:

    I’ve seen similar lines in other logs that no one has given any suggestions that worked but I will toss out some things. Be sure that on the server and players computers that you have excluded the game folder and saves folder from you antivirus software, including if you use Windows Defender. Before A21, the vast majority of EOS errors resolved once those folders were excluded. Is this the same for A21? I don’t know but it’s worth a try.


    On your router, be sure that the correct ports are forwarded: tcp 26900 and udp 26900-26903.


    Tfp added a network workaround in the settings. Have your friend select that option for her game. This would be the easiest to try and she can just uncheck it if it doesn’t help.

    Awesome, thanks for continuation of responding 😃


  7. Turned off Telnet and Password on the server.


    He still got invalid password BUT! also extra issues.




    2023-07-19T04:52:48 3063.318 WRN [EOS] [LogAnalytics - Warning] EventCache either took too long to flush (1.296 ms) or had a very large payload (0.609 KB, 1 events). Listing events in the payload for investigation:
    2023-07-19T04:52:48 3063.318 WRN [EOS] [LogAnalytics - Warning]     EOSSDK.HTTP.Complete,611
    2023-07-19T04:52:57 3072.569 INF Loading and creating shader control textures took 11211ms
    2023-07-19T04:53:05 3080.573 INF Loading and parsing of generator took 8003ms
    2023-07-19T04:53:23 3097.748 WRN [Steam] Tick took exceptionally long: 45 ms


    this caught my eye, this is new.


    he can also Cannot rejoin the server after the crash.



  8. 11 hours ago, Star69 said:

    Would you be willing to remove the password on the server for a trial to see if it disconnects the affected players? I know the reasons to have it passworded but testing without a password should narrow things down to some sort of issue with the password system, maybe. I've never heard of a similar problem before but this might be of help.

    i was thinking this and rather try white list.

  9. 10 hours ago, Star69 said:

    I apologize....still getting used to the new nuances of A21 logs. The 'mods' I saw are actually the Alloc server fixes at were added to vanilla but are called 'mods' in the logs. Your problem is perplexing, that's for sure.

    no need to apologize, problem seems to be worse than ever for for one of my people lol, while the issue has lightened its load on others.

    Really weird

  10. 4 hours ago, Riamus said:

    It's really hard to say since mods can affect all kinds of things depending what they do.  An easy test if this is happening every time is to start up a new save and have them join it to see if they get disconnected on that save.  It wouldn't verify if the cause was removing a mod mid-game but it would at least let you know if it's a  problem with the save rather than their system or the network connection.

    could maybe try later.


    but if this is the case, then it should be happening to the rest of us too?


    we are 9 people playing and only 2 of them are having DC issues with Invalid password and timeouts.


    One American and one European, both having same exact issues

  11. 11 hours ago, Star69 said:

    I'll throw my 2 cents in here. You are running a bunch of mods, do you know if they have all been updated for A21? Secondly, I see some errors with prefabs....do you have custom prefabs installed? What version was this seed created on? One of the experimentals or is this seed created with the stable A21 release? Then I see this error a few times:  

    1. 2023-07-10T09:16:43 11441.978 ERR IsMovementBlocked pipeSmallWall1x3 at -251, 34, -4125 has child parent, abandonedPickupTruck3Wide01Orange at -251, 33, -4125 and I'm not sure what that means.

    no mods


    Edit- no mods BUT i did try to turn one on early game to try something.

             Didnt work, so i turned it off right away


    its as vanilla A21 public as it can be

  12. 1 hour ago, meganoth said:

    Interesting line in the log:


    WRN NET: LiteNetLib: SendData requested for unknown client EntityID=553, PltfmId='Steam_76561198970031981', CrossId='EOS_0002cc0255d94fa2835680d09b1846df', OwnerID='Steam_76561198970031981', PlayerName='HeyLook'


    Only a warning, only a developer could tell us if that is in any way relevant. Though I wonder why the client is called unknown, his id is known in all detail? Did it lose the IP address?

    his IP is in the server log.

    i saw this as well

    2023-07-11T01:20:21 69260.350 INF GMSG: Player 'HeyLook' left the game
    2023-07-11T01:20:21 69260.350 INF Exited thread NCS_Writer_0_0
    2023-07-11T01:20:21 69260.351 ERR Save PlayerData file: The process cannot access the file 'd:\home\sid_5252775\sevenDaysLatestExperimental\saves\Old Ziweuro Valley\ZombieMoo\Player\EOS_0002cc0255d94fa2835680d09b1846df.ttp.tmp' because it is being used by another process.

    https://pastebin.com/zv9cDrwd this forked his game on steam, Steam no longer recognized the game and had to do a complete reinstall.


    not sure if it fixes it either as he just reinstalled it.

  13. 16 hours ago, Riamus said:

    Yeah, I'd post the new one where she was online for longer as the cause of that disconnect is probably different.  The first log just shows the disconnect for password so won't help with any other issues.

    now it happened again with another user, exact same thing and re-entered password



    After re-entered password, they just get DC, i think it says in this log, both issues.

    server logs in 2 parts

    https://pastebin.com/nybJ8FP4 Part 1

    https://pastebin.com/1iwjMTmu  Part 2

  14. 20 hours ago, Riamus said:

    The log shows a network timeout for invalid password.  Might want to start there.

    it is weird cus she could still log in, but it still didnt fix the problem.


    She re-entered the password and after 65 minutes she DC again.

    Nothing else in the log is helpful? i can post the new one

  15. 49 minutes ago, SylenThunder said:

    Since a20.4 custom prefabs were stored in the save folder. Nuke everything in the Save folder. When we see those errors, it is usually because you have modded prefabs there.


    As for the server admin file. A lot has changed since a20.  Backup your old file, and let the game make a new one. Then add your admins in via the console. You can then copy the blacklist and custom command permission sections over to the new file if needed.

    ok, i went into ftp after install and deleted everything, then repaired the game. Lets hope!

    if it works now but the problems starts happening again, will it affect the world save file? we have to start all over again?

    Now it worked! it restarted but i did see in the log that it skipped something.
    Im sorry for bothering so much but if one of you could maybe look at this log as well?


  16. 14 minutes ago, SylenThunder said:

    First thing I see is an invalid entry in your serveradmin file.


    2023-06-30T01:58:39 1.250 INF Loading permissions file at 'd:\home\sid_5251713\sevenDaysLatestExperimental\saves/serveradmin.xml'
    ArgumentException: Not a valid SteamID: 105386699540688
    Parameter name: _steamId
      at Platform.Steam.UserIdentifierSteam..ctor (System.String _steamId) [0x00031] in <054959adb6ea4346875067fe5397b69b>:0 
      at Platform.Steam.UserIdentifierFactory.FromId (System.String _userId) [0x00000] in <054959adb6ea4346875067fe5397b69b>:0 
      at PlatformUserIdentifierAbs.FromPlatformAndId (System.String _platformName, System.String _userId, System.Boolean _logErrors) [0x0006f] in <054959adb6ea4346875067fe5397b69b>:0 


    After that it throws a ton of errors on prefabs indicating that you didn't fully scrub old data out. Have to remove all remnants of old saves, mods, and custom prefabs.

    i will change the server admin file, it is corrected except from the steam ID isnt it?


    how do i then scrub the old data? on Gportal i deleted the entire server and tried again

  17. starting the server first time while world building goes great.


    But as soon as i restart the server, i get this.


    https://pastebin.com/8EhVfpqq Part 1

    https://pastebin.com/qPZHTv0T Part 2


    using RWG which i think is the problem, 12k


    tried to delete files to repair at .xmls are in Data/Config, mods are in mods folder.


    anything i can do?

    Edit: i tried to make a complete default server, no tinkering with Navezgane, it works. Seems to be a RWG problem?



  18. 47 minutes ago, SylenThunder said:

    Only issue I see is the drone spam.


    I think if you have players collect their drones, shut off the server, and then delete the drone files, that should take care of it.

    Drone is fixed!


    now this is a fresh server output https://pastebin.com/cpHALF2D


    and my friend still has E not working, so he cant loot also he bugs out when he enters his jeep. https://pastebin.com/F2RBKuMb 


    do you guys see anything?

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