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Posts posted by Dicey

  1. To be honest I am probably doing something wrong.


    I was opening resources.assets, as far as I remember, selecting the item mentioned in it, then hitting 'export dump', changing the details as mentioned previously then I was attempting to 'import dump' the new information in. I tried the same thing by opening globalgamemanagers instead but I'm getting the same result. Does it matter that I am only selecting the file in the list I want to edit to export/import or must I somehow select the whole list?


    Must I also not move the filed from the 7d2d directory to gt this done? as I like to copy to desktop first so im not wrecking the original files ect.


    Thanks for taking the time to help me, i notice your .txt file has the same name as the item im trying to edit, mine does too, but when I export it originally there are some numbers, menu_music_long_lp_6_6.txt ..I thought it best to not change them, but idk.

  2. Hello! Cool tool dude!


    I'm trying to change menu_music_long_lp.


    I have the latest version afaik (from front page(?)) and both fix's for it, im using x64 bit version.


    Anyway, I can view and export dump data to a .txt lovely. I open sharedassets0.assets with UABE.


    I edit the exported dump .txt changing these;



    1 string m_Source = "sharedassets0.resource"

    0 UInt64 m_Offset = 0

    0 UInt64 m_Size = 2262240


    to this:


    1 string m_Source = "sharedassetsTWD.resource"

    0 UInt64 m_Offset = 0

    0 UInt64 m_Size = 8327000


    AND then I import dump it back into the sharedassets0.assets , hit ok, UABE asks if I want to save, i hit yes, i save the file BUT when I open the saved file to see if it worked all most all of the data is missing :(


    am I doing somthing wrong here? i dont see it. thanks.


    fyi, Following this post instructions: https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?32600-Overriding-vanilla-files-(assets-)&p=314195&viewfull=1#post314195

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