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Posts posted by max2go

  1. 7d night not working correctly... (A15 pre)


    Thank you for your hook-script; however:


    1. sOut="$(telnetCommand $1 "lkp $3")" would return me an empty time; I removed the $3 (thus, that part of the string I have now is "lkp") and that fixed it.


    2. I (and all other players) always get "6 days until next 7day horde.", regardless of the day. Any idea for a fix?


    I'm running latest A15 (beta), perhaps that has changed the lkp command not accepting a parameter, and also messes up the calc of the horde night?


    Also a bit of a P.S.:

    Do you / others have any other scripts to share? I'm working right now on the implementation of custom commands (such as: "/admin help me!", which would send an email to me with this text and the player's steam64id and at that time in-game name; this is still a WIP but when done, I'll post it here). Or is there a website with collection of those?


    Thanks Alloc, zigstum and everyone else for your hard work and participation!




    Thanks for the tips Alloc, I got it working :)

    But I have another question: Is it possible to chain the telnet commands together?

    EG: telnetCommand $1 "sayplayer player \"message1\""; "sayplayer player \"message 2\""; etc...

    To avoid spamming the telnet connection for consecutive 'say commands'.


    For anyone else that wants to use it, it displays welcome message, users playtime, days until next 7 day horde. It goes into the 'playerConnect' hooks folder. It uses PM to avoid global spam.


    . /usr/local/lib/7dtd/common.sh
    ###Strindex - http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5031764
    strindex() {  
     [[ $x = $1 ]] && echo -1 || echo ${#x}
    ###Get current day###
    #get telent 'gt' response
    sGT="$(telnetCommand $1 "gt")"
    #extract day string
    sData=$(echo "$sGT" | egrep -o '^Day [0-9]{1,}')
    #divide by 7, get remainder
    iDay=$( expr ${sData:4} % 7)
    #build seven day message
    sSDMsg="There are [00FF00]$iDay days[-] until next 7day horde."
    ###Get player details###
    sOut="$(telnetCommand $1 "lkp $3")"
    #Find the desired string beginning
    iPlNmStrt=$(strindex "$sOut" "1. $3,") 
    #Find the desired string end.
    iPlNmEnd=$(strindex "$sOut" "Total of ")
    #Calculate length
    iOutStrLen=$(expr $iPlNmEnd - $iPlNmStrt)
    #Grab the string.
    ###Get string parts into array
    OIFS=$IFS; 			#store existing sep
    IFS="," 			#Change the separator to comma
    aLkpArr=($sLKPStr) 	#serialise
    IFS=$OIFS 			#return to default sep
    ###Build mesages
    sMsg1="Welcome [00FF00]$3[-]!"
    sMsg2="Playtime: [00FF00]$sPlTme mins[-]"
    sMsg4="7 Nights 2 Live is an EU based PVE server. \
    No Player killing or Griefing is allowed. \
    Server Map: [FFFF00]http://7n2l.com[-]"
    ###Send messages
    telnetCommand $1 "sayplayer $3 \"$sMsg1\""
    telnetCommand $1 "sayplayer $3 \"$sMsg2\""
    telnetCommand $1 "sayplayer $3 \"$sSDMsg\""
    telnetCommand $1 "sayplayer $3 \"$sMsg4\""


    - - - Updated - - -





    What setup do you have? Can you add a cron job? How do you start your server normally?

    Need to know setup before can give advice.

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