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Telly G

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Posts posted by Telly G

  1. 7 hours ago, woreeur said:

    Logged into this game after not playing it for about 10 years and it's still in alpha? Has it been abandoned/is it just one person's garage project or what

    Functionally speaking, there is no difference between calling something 'alpha' and 'version'.

    'early access' is a worthless distinction other than to say that something is in active development. The devs are currently at Twitchcon shilling something, including the much awaited for the lower castes console version update, which likely because the people running the stores on the consoles are who they are, will mean they have to sell it as a separate title rather than pushing the update to existing owners.

  2. 2 hours ago, bdubyah said:

    Haven't played them, so don't know the specifics. But TellyG seemed to say they don't get far into the game without starting over, so if it's too far in before you could unlock the book crafting it wouldn't help them much anyway. 😛

    More that there's a lack of a true mid/late game. I used to go to like day 60+ on a world before either needing or wanting to reset cos versions would update faster back then making it more neccesary. 


    Yknow what would be really cool, proper bandit POIs with quests and quest bosses relating to them being necessary to complete the main quest and work your way up to killing the final boss, The Duke of Navesgane. And killing the Duke at his massive casino fortress that is always somewhere on the map would be the game's Ender dragon. 


    Killing the Duke would open up say, a deep underground massive labyrinthine late game bunker complex that stretches across the majority of the map with entrances in various places. This bunker has protective ownership by the Duke till his demise, same for his castle, at least until the quest to defeat him is active for the castle.

  3. 3 hours ago, Beelzebubs Ghost said:

    It is sad to say, but in relation to all prior systems, I hope they facilitate a proper workshop integration, and it will be interesting on the zombie front if they open up the ability for players to create zombies on par with the development team so the disjunct in aesthetics isn't too stark. It seems; especially in relation to zombies and vehicles; that mods are the only way forward in really finishing the game the way it should be.

    Despite a lack of workshop integration we do have https://7daystodiemods.com/ and many of these are mirrored on NexusMods. I wish 7dtdm had a better means to search through their site cos its kind of archaic. 

  4. 24 minutes ago, meganoth said:


    What multiplayer question is there? Co-op players will advance faster since they loot more and can share the magazines they find that others need but they don't.



    The multiplayer question is not everything in multiplayer is co-op looting so how does the dedicated builder get better tools to gather resources for the base if the others do not have mining tools specced?


    I have seen this be brought up repeatedly when you n the others seem to miss the point that it's still entirely RNG based, even if you can weight it in certain directions.


    Ppl divide themselves into roles in multiplayer and Ive seen more than one ppl say they have a dedicated POI looter or two in their small group on the server. I really don't understand the pushback against being able to recycle unwanted progression books into a resource to get what you want more at certainly a higher rate like 2 recycled to 1 handmade + resources like paper and whatever else needed.

  5. On 6/23/2022 at 8:09 AM, George Gordon said:

    Mucho Texto


    I think the heart of the issue here is that 7dtd's mid to late game (everything after the first week or two) is kind of non existent apart from stronger zombie variants appearing in hordes. There's not much reason to not just start a new game to redo the early game after a month in game which is an issue.  


    The LBL system just needs like 1 or 2 things added to it to make it so much more appealing. Yes, yes, I know you get more of what you spec into, but that doesn't address the multiplayer question. Instead of scrapping into paper schematics and perk/skill magazines should scrap into a resource that you can use to make things you're missing or want to specifically spec into without relying on RNG. The core of this idea is from the Undead Legacy mod overhaul's research workbenches.

  6. 7 hours ago, Blake_ said:

    Sorry. 4. But we get 5 times the "enchantments". Before it was cigar, glasses and... running shoes? Now every piece has 2-4 effects PLUS full armour bonus. As of cosmetic reasons... mmm you can paint them? They can always make more, which they said it's a maybe. A maybe for TFP is a YES if their vision fits. That's the cool thing about this studio.


    Edit: Just wait until "Shapespeare" finishes with his current task and all of a sudden we get 1300 new armour sets, even for misfits,lol.

    unless the dyeing system is overhauled to not just be a full color tint for a more ARK style of doing it with individual color regions that take coloring better then who cares that we can tint it green like we already can?. 6 armor slots is pretty standard in tons and tons of RPG games. (slot 7 could be back now that I think of it)

  7. 4 hours ago, sillls said:

    I am wondering if TFP's have changed their minds about adding followers to the game.


    The last time we talked. Madmole did not like the idea because he didn't think that followers could path there way though player dug mines, POI's and rough terrain. 

    However now that I have seen the Drone in action. I could see that pathing is no longer an issue. As the Drone can pass though solid objects and won't get hung up. 

    So I was thinking that the bipedal Follower could work now. Maybe make it so the follower could pass though and or over stuff that has got them hung up. Perhaps even adding a quadrupedal like a dog as well. 

    These followers would be a good fit and go better with the game imho. 


    Keep the Drone, add the followers please. 


    With bandito AI in A21 I bet that ppl will just base pathing off them for followers than what they currently do with NPCMod and other such things. 

    2 minutes ago, Jost Amman said:

    The point is not in the number of slots. The point is, if you can do the same stuff you do now, with less clutter.

    I dont know why 'but they give perks tho' is always the go to response when thats not what people mean with 4 slots is too few.

  8. I really hope that the armor system has 6 or 7 slots cos 4 is just too low compared to the 12 now.


    Something like head, shoulders, arms, legs, feet, and chest (maybe underarmor)


    It would also fit nicer with the perk magazines being around that much for full sets. 

  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wd_uA4dA110

     Guns, Nerds + Steel started a new series using the Undead Legacy modpack.

    There's some changes that I really would love to see integrated for the upcoming A21. Namely how it handles recipes to make it less entirely RNG dependent. I dont think there would need to be any special tables apart from the existing work bench maybe but in a nutshell it's a research station to be able to make recipes by scrapping found ones for a resource called 'research data'


    This same concept could easily apply to the upcoming skill magazine system and would make me a lot more open to it. 


    The fully UI'd fallout 3 lockpicking minigame tho with modern features you'd want and expect is also pretty great. 

  10. On 5/26/2022 at 4:06 AM, Phil said:


    It was the same in DL1 as well, trying to repair your gas pipe that is broken with no repair slots left while trying to smack a zed in the head just  angers that zed. The only option left is to swap weapons or run.


    Ot just ask us, the player, if we to accept the reward at the time and thise rewards will go back in the cupboard. The next reward will NOT off those rewards again, or maybe ask with an increased level. I have been offered rewards that are much worse that I already have. Yes I can sell them, if that trader wants them or scrap them


    With regard to A21 I am going to reserve judgement until I can play it to see what is what

    Actually you could do these random encounter escort missions you'll start seeing about say 50-60% of the way through the game to fully restore every weapon in your inventory's repair slots in the first game. 

  11. I hope the armor overhaul has at least 6 armor slots instead of just 4. (head, shoulders, body, hands, legs, feet, or one slot for each limb like in the surge 2) cos 4 is too few to go from the 12 there is now. First person view models that reflect what you're wearing on your arms would be stellar.


    And this is a bigger ask but making the dyeing of gear better than a simple color tint of the entire model. 

  12. the Pimps have a bad problem of totally remaking systems that ultimately pigeonhole ppl more into having to play the game how they feel it should be played at that time rather than expanding upon the sandbox and have been doing so since like a14 or 15. They constantly try and counteract builds youtubers make or hammer down on bizarre niche strategies/playstyles when it's like trying to kill the ocean with a sword.

  13. I think that if we were able to turn resources you could produce in the woods into skill books over time that would resolve people's gripes with the upcoming system. Same for machining parts, though that could be high end for engineering or something. 

  14. 20 minutes ago, Roland said:

    Weapons and tools should have a finite lifespan. I don’t think they should degrade to lower quality tiers. They just should become unrepairable. Maybe you can repair something twice but after that the repair kit doesn’t work and the item is only good for parts. This would be a significant change to improve both crafting and looting. I did a play through where I immediately scrapped repair kits and it was great. I’ll probably start that up again. Repairs for primitive stuff is fine but anything that needs a repair kit should be limited.  Think about the diamond edge mod that extends durability. Who the heck cares how long durability lasts when a single repair kit restores it to full again? 

    This is similar to how dying light 2 handles it. Weapon upgrading is the only means to repair a weapon, not every weapon has upgrade slots to use, most only have two and cannot be re-applied. Once it's done, you just drop it. 

  15. 1 hour ago, meganoth said:


    I would like A16-type weapon parts only with an UI upgrade to make swapping/upgrading easier. But I fully agree that weapons should degrade and should I ever create another mod this probably will be part of it.


    One important detail: We don't craft guns now because we consistently find better guns earlier. It is not really the number of them we find that is the problem, it is the quality.


    Are you saying they hacked the server browser inside 7day2die? Did they brute force your password or does it look like they found an exploitable bug? 


    The winchester mini-overhaul has quality degredation. It's in the modding forum. 

  16. On 4/15/2022 at 5:29 AM, wolfbain5 said:

    my concern is more with bandit range attack.
    1. is its gun range gonna be as soon as they see us and able to snipe us at ranges greater than our own? such as they arent even rendered and we got sniped?

    2. will they have infinite ammo? that gets unbalanced.

    3. what will their accuracy be like? i mean are they always gonna hit?

    4. wait, they were just shooting at us, I killed the little f* but he doesnt have a gun on him? wtf?  played a few games like fallout where this happened. broke immersion.

    on weapons and armor in general.

    bandits are human too, they will try for every advantage, does this mean bandits weapon, armor, and tools may have mods already in them?


    If you ever played modded with hostile NPCs they're either cannon fodder even with a gun or they'll blow your head off three times on day one. Though I doubt you'll be encountering bandits armed with high grade guns on day one.  They'll drop bags like anything else, but the drops that bandits drop in bags could be modified to be more sensible, more weighted towards weapon mods and parts and things like that. 


  17. 8 hours ago, meganoth said:


    Are we talking about stealth or cover here? If we talk about cover then obviously bandits will have a hard time in open terrain. But first of all it doesn't matter because the game has an unlimited supply of bandits and can literally waste them even in open ground 😉. Secondly if they don't work well as random spawns in open terrain then TFP could simply not use them that way. You would find bandits mostly in buildings or ruins (who could then be located in open terrain as well as cities).


    Or if TFP finds the time to implement the encounter system they would just spawn far ahead in your way and shoot as soon as they come in sight.


    What is the circumstance you imagine a bandit **following you** without having been seen already, by the way?



    Like alientech superhero tech is not typical for 7D2D. If TFP really want to include it they might do so, but breaking the current backstory is a drawback they surely will weigh in on any decision what to include.


    But that is beside the point, I didn't ask for a lore explanation, I asked for the reason **you** want "visibly" invisible bandits implemented in the game? Instead of just bandits that shoot and kill you and possibly hide behind cover. What is the problem you want to solve with it?



    Just to be clear I'm just a normal forum user like you. I don't have any inside knowledge of what TFP will do, I'm just as much guessing as you are.



    See, with a statement like that I can work.



    And here you disprove your previous absolute statement. As you say enemies with guns can be made to be fun or unfun, it depends on how you place them, the circumstances, ..... In short - enemies with guns can be boring or fun.



    The fantastic 4 were exposed to cosmic radiation rays during a scientific mission to outer space. The original comics are from a time when the average understanding of radiation was basically that it was magic that could do anything. 

  18. 1 minute ago, meganoth said:


    Me: I don't care as I don't know any of them.

    the (sniper elite) Zombie Army games have stages that feature zombies armed with guns that know how to use them. The snipers leap around from perch to perch making them difficult to pin down, there's heavy gunners that take multiple headshots to kill, so on. 

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