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Posts posted by TempusFugit

  1. I uninstalled and reinstalled again.. it worked this time.. cheers.

    Looking forward to this mod...


    I tried installing the mod through sphereii's launcher but for some reason vanilla 7 days to die opens when I hit the Play Mod button,,

    Ive tried uninstalling and now reinstalled.. After hitting Play Mod there's a message at the bottom says 'Refreshing Mods for 7 Day Horde Edition".. it has been going for a few mins so far..


    I have used his launcher a lot in the past and have War of the Walkers installed right now..


    Should I wait for the Refreshing message to complete ? or try removing and reinstalling ?



  2. I tried installing the mod through sphereii's launcher but for some reason vanilla 7 days to die opens when I hit the Play Mod button,,

    Ive tried uninstalling and now reinstalled.. After hitting Play Mod there's a message at the bottom says 'Refreshing Mods for 7 Day Horde Edition".. it has been going for a few mins so far..


    I have used his launcher a lot in the past and have War of the Walkers installed right now..


    Should I wait for the Refreshing message to complete ? or try removing and reinstalling ?



  3. Hi , I want to play this mod as it looks cool, but is there any chance to add it to sphereii's mod launcher..


    I play a few mods that have been added to the launcher as its simple to install them that way..


    Here's hoping..



  4. Will do tomorrow. Want to make sure things are solid first on my end. Going to have a separate link for him soon to make it easier in the future. Right now I'm off to bed.


    Hi, is v4.3 working on the launcher ?

    Looking forward to playing this version, thanks.

  5. V4.3.0 Released! Check the the link in the original post for update notes... This is massive update.


    *Note if you don't want to use the prefab pack then don't copy over the Prefab Folder and the rwgmixer.xml file from the config folder


    Your the man !

    Any chance you can let sphereii know so he can update 4.3 to his launcher ?

  6. Thanks for letting me know. I updated his download link. Reloading the Launcher should give the right description and new download.


    Thanks for that...

    I'll check out the updated version soon.


    dwallorde mentioned on his thread that his version 4.3 could be out on friday-ish, so looking forward to playing through the launcher too.

  7. Im posting this in both dwallorde's war of the walkers thread and sphereii's mod launcher thread...


    I got back to playing my war of the walkers world after the 15.2 fun pimps update..

    I started overheating, even in the snow biome I was hitting 43c (going by google that is around 109f)..

    I decided too try a new world but had the same result.


    I noticed on the description section of the mod launcher that it reads as War of The Walkers alpha 15.1 version, does dwallorde have to contact sphereii to upgrade to each latest version of the game ?


    Anyway, I though I'd let you guys know the situation.

  8. Im posting this in both dwallorde's war of the walkers thread and sphereii's mod launcher thread...


    I got back to playing my war of the walkers world after the 15.2 fun pimps update..

    I started overheating, even in the snow biome I was hitting 43c (going by google that is around 109f)..

    I decided too try a new world but had the same result.


    I noticed on the description section of the mod launcher that it reads as War of The Walkers alpha 15.1 version, does dwallorde have to contact sphereii to upgrade to each latest version of the game ?


    Anyway, I though I'd let you guys know the situation.

  9. Im sat watching your first upload of 4.3.0, im at 27 mins in and Im salivating xD


    The new poi at 27mins looks amazing, and venizon and chicken meat...


    Release the kraken already !!!


    In all seriousness, I cant wait to play, looking forward for when it is released.

  10. Does this mod change the roaming hordes ?


    I decided to give Navezgane a go again until your new version is released.. (btw I saw at least 3 bandits in Diersville, they were spread out from each other as I passed by the edge of the town on day 1, all with shotguns shooting at the zombies, it was cool to sit and watch for a sec)


    Anyway, after the day 7 horde came and went I have been getting hordes through each of the nights after night 7 and each horde contains at least 1 spider...

    Is this part of he mod ?


    Edit: on something like day 9 or 10 I was looting the working stiff just outside of Diersville when my frames per second dropped to 5 for a few seconds and a null ref showed, I hit esc and carried on as the frames were back to 60.

    I didnt post a log as I played for another 2 ingame days, so I didnt know if the log would have been relevant after waiting so long after the null ref..

  11. I'm now code locked and about to start testing. I may even post some videos of me playing. But unfortunately I won't be talking in them through voice chat due to some circumstances


    That's cool, do you plan to allow players to test too, or wait until it's stable ?

  12. Mortar and pestle. Locolization in the upcoming version will help show info like this. It's a long process. Which is why it's taking so long.


    Thank you for letting m know.. I have just glimpsed through your info on page 1 (something I should do, but I prefer to jump straight in and find surprises) and saw the info there


    Take your time, your building a great mod.

    Vanilla has enough palayability,but mods like yours and valmod's add so much more.

    Thanks for taking the time to add WOTW..


    Im a huge fan of the weapon smithing station, that is going to be fun to use once I get to the point to make high end parts.


    Cant wait to visit your new poi's when they are done, they look sweet from watching your youtube videos.

  13. Have you ever though about adding a chicken trap or chicken coop ?


    I play in 25% loot for an added challenge.. a chicken coop/trap would be a cool addition for feathers and or some extra meat..


    Its a great mod as it is though, having fun playing it and using it alongside the 7dtd mod launcher.

  14. Okay sweet. Thanks for that.


    So glad your mod has been added to the launcher, looking forward to playing it later.


    I saw your prefab poi's on your youtube channel, how many are in the mod right now ?


    The prison looks cool, and cant wait to visit the library when its ready.

  15. Thanks, and sorry about the trouble. I'll load up the Overhaul tonight and see if I can figure out what's going on with it.


    No need to aplogise, the slight problems Ive been having, and others in the thread, you've been all over it quickly.. thats very much appreciated.


    And thanks again for the launcher, its made playing mods so easy compared to copy n paste over vanilla and having to uninstall to play other mods...

  16. Hi again, I followed your instructions but unfortunately the game starts up for a few seconds and closes again..


    But, I decided to install another version of valmod too see how that went, the Vamlod OH Big Backpack, and the game loaded up,

    I entered my save world and all seems fine..


    It would be cool to see what is wrong when I try the regualar overhaul.. in the meantime I can play the big backpack version for now..


    - - - Updated - - -









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