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Posts posted by DukeW74

  1. Those should work with no problem. F1 for the console and type in "exportcurrentconfigs" without the quotes the check and see just what its loading or not loading.


    assuming a default install here is the path the exported configs will be.


    your map name\your world gen name

    C:\Users\YOURNAME\AppData\Roaming\7DaysToDie\Saves\Hezubu Mountains\PerfectWorld\Configs

  2. A17.2 Vanilla gas is 600 not 1000 so depending on which version and what changes have been made one of these should work.


    <set xpath="/recipes/recipe[@name='ammoGasCan'][@count='600']/@count">1200</set>


    <set xpath="/recipes/recipe[@name='ammoGasCan'][@count='1000']/@count">1200</set>

  3. I see lots of spaces where there should not be, that could be because of lack of code tags.


    Still trying to learn xpath myself, it could be the modinfo.xml that is giving you problems.


    Copy of the modinfo I used to test

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
           <Name value="Food Posioning" />
           <Description value="Add more posioning" />
           <Author value="Duke" />
           <Version value="A17.2b20" />
           <Website value="https://7daystodie.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?61-Game-Mods" />


    You might try to hit F1 for the console and enter "exportcurrentconfigs" without the quotes, the console will tell you where the complete configs are placed so you can see just what is being loaded.


    An example of where you should find the exported cofigs

    C:\Users\Duke\AppData\Roaming\7DaysToDie\Saves\Hezubu Mountains\Perfect World2\Configs


    Here is a start to what you want I think.



  4. To make sure we are on the same page. You made a "Mods" folder with a ModInfo.xml in it then in the "Config" folder you have a progression.xml with the above in the progression.xml


    On the other part if your question the other page is wrong, I got this to load with errors but it does seem to load and it does display a 25% chance,


    This needs to be in items.xml

    <set xpath="/items/item[@name='foodCanBeef']/effect_group[@tiered='false']/triggered_effect[@trigger='onSelfPrimaryActionEnd'][@buff='buffIllFoodPoisoning0']/requirement[@name='RandomRoll']/@value">25</set>
    <set xpath="/items/item[@name='foodCanBeef']/effect_group/display_value[@name='FoodPoisoningRisk']/@value">0.25</set>

  5. I am sure there are easier ways to do this but this way worked for me. NOTE: I only added "foodCanBeef", to add more be sure to add a comma between names.


       <set xpath="/progression/perks/perk[@name='perkMasterChef']/effect_group/passive_effect[@tags='foodBaconAndEggs,foodBoiledMeat,foodGrilledMeat,foodBakedPotato,foodCornBread,foodCornOnTheCob,drinkJarRedTea,drinkJarCoffee,drinkJarGoldenRodTea']/@tags">foodBaconAndEggs,foodBoiledMeat,foodGrilledMeat,foodBakedPotato,foodCornBread,foodCornOnTheCob,drinkJarRedTea,drinkJarCoffee,drinkJarGoldenRodTea,foodCanBeef</set>


    Check the video tutorial for maybe some help on the second part of your question

  6. Can anyone tell me how to make items I've appended use custom icons?


    I've got this, for example:


    <item name="foodBaconAndEggSandwich">

    <property name="HoldType" value="31"/>

    <property name="CustomIcon" value="foodBaconAndEggSandwich"/>

    <property name="DisplayType" value="food"/>

    <property name="Meshfile" value="Items/Misc/parcelPrefab"/>

    <property name="DropMeshfile" value="Items/Misc/sack_droppedPrefab"/>

    <property name="Material" value="Morganic"/>

    <property name="Stacknumber" value="50"/> <!-- STK food -->

    <property name="EconomicValue" value="72"/>

    <property class="Action0">

    <property name="Class" value="Eat"/>

    <property name="Delay" value="2.1"/>

    <property name="Use_time" value="..."/>

    <property name="Sound_start" value="player_eating"/>


    <property name="Smell" value="largeSmell"/>

    <property name="Group" value="Food/Cooking"/>


    <effect_group tiered="false">

    <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfPrimaryActionEnd" action="ModifyCVar" cvar="$foodAmountAdd" operation="add" value="50"/>

    <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfPrimaryActionEnd" action="ModifyCVar" cvar="foodHealthAmount" operation="add" value="18"/>

    <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfPrimaryActionEnd" action="AddBuff" target="self" buff="buffProcessConsumables"/>




    And my folder setup is:


    7 Days To Die > Mods > MyMod > Config, ItemIcons, and ModInfo > Items



    Looks right if your icon is in fact in ItemIcons and if it is named correctly (case sensitive). I personally rarely use the customIcon property (No reason not to use it, I just don't), I just make sure the item name and the icon name match, then drop it in the ItemIcons folder.


    One other thing you might try is using a shorter name for the icon, IIRC a few Alphas back an icon name would not show for me with a longer name. I am not aware of problems with long names but it's worth a try.

  7. Thanks alot. Loads up fine. You should publish that as a modlet ! I am curious to know where the Party controls are. Any idea ?


    serverconfig.xml in the root 7 Days To Die folder


    <property name="PartySharedKillRange" value="100"/> <!-- The distance you must be within to receive party shared kill xp and quest party kill objective credit. -->



    Edit "value=100" is 100 blocks in game

  8. Your path is wrong and as far as I know your use of "and" is incorrect. "and" would need to include both chainsaw and auger, "or" might work but I have never tried anything with it though I am just learning myself.



    In any case this works on b238

    <set xpath="/items/item[@name='meleeToolChainsaw']/effect_group/passive_effect[@name='MagazineSize']/@value">5000</set>
    <set xpath="/items/item[@name='meleeToolAuger']/effect_group/passive_effect[@name='MagazineSize']/@value">5000</set>

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