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Posts posted by Mosykins

  1. First error that came up in your log:

    2018-03-28T11:30:38 101.826 ERR Loading and parsing 'entitygroups.xml' (Entity with name 'valZombieChildMale' not found)


    Ahhh... maybe that's what's up then! I just now realized that I forgot to add that I'm playing 7 Day Horde Streamer Edition, which is probably a REALLY IMPORTANT piece of the puzzle.


    I am SO SORRY I forgot to mention that.


    Thank you for bringing this to my attention :D

  2. Ive looked over gamestages and entitygroups and cant find anything wrong in there :( Everything positioned and spelled correctly. I will keep digging. I a very sorry this is occurring.


    - - - Updated - - -



    Quote Originally Posted by KhaineGB

    "If I come across any of the invalid sleeper POI messages, I'll try to grab screenshots of what POI I'm near.


    Should help track down the issue.

    Thank you so much. Very much appreciated."


    Thank you so much. Very much appreciated.

    Thank you for looking into it!


    For some more info, just in case: I'm in a Wasteland Biome right now, and I notice the invalid sleeper POI messages coming in near the Crack-a-Book HQ Tower, and the large Prison POI across the street from it. I'll see if I can get some screengrabs for you if you need them.


    Also, want to update here that I (again) completely deleted the 2.2 mod from modlauncher, reinstalled it, but then downloaded it directly from github and manually overwrote everything that modlauncher installed. Loaded up the game and got the same poi sleeper spawn issue. Here's the latest output log from that test: https://pastebin.com/fzFbyvgx

  3. Look in entitygroups.xml and gamestages.xml


    It looks fine in the xml... then again, I'm not exactly sure what I'm looking for that's out of place.


    Deleted game mod from ModLauncher (I even uninstalled all of modlauncher and then reinstalled it just in case). Load everything back up, and then load up my saved game.


    Once I load in, I'm in an empty biome. Walk around a little bit just fine, but once the game tries to spawn some zombies, I get all kinds of errors. This makes me think it's a general spawning issue and not necessarily a WolfGroup specific issue. I don't know what's going on at this point - I have exceeded my programming and debugging skillset, unfortunately.


    More snippets of my output file mainly to show that it's not just WolfGroup


    2018-03-27T18:35:47 198.952 INF Spawning sleeper zombie from sleeperHordeStageGS110
    NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
     at EntityGroups.GetRandomFromGroup (System.String _sEntityGroupName) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
     at SleeperVolume.WW (.World ) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
     at SleeperVolume.Tick (.World _world) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
     at World.OMQ () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
     at World.OnUpdateTick (Single _partialTicks, ArraySegment`1 _activeChunks) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
     at GameManager.JQ () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
     at GameManager.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
    (Filename:  Line: -1)
    2018-03-27T18:35:48 200.303 INF No valid sleeper spawn locations were found, they are either all visible or are in solid space. Marking volume as cleared.
    2018-03-27T18:36:08 219.902 INF Time: 1.87m FPS: 60.00 Heap: 1111.7MB Max: 1111.7MB Chunks: 756 CGO: 666 Ply: 1 Zom: 0 Ent: 3 (3) Items: 0 CO: 1 RSS: 11457.2MB
    2018-03-27T18:36:16 227.869 INF Disconnect
    2018-03-27T18:36:16 227.877 INF NET: Stopping server protocols
    2018-03-27T18:36:16 227.884 INF NET: UNET server stopped
    2018-03-27T18:36:16 227.942 INF NET: Untiy NW server stopped
    2018-03-27T18:36:16 227.942 INF [steamworks.NET] NET: Server stopped
    2018-03-27T18:36:16 227.943 INF [NET] ServerShutdown
    2018-03-27T18:36:16 227.944 INF SaveAndCleanupWorld
    2018-03-27T18:36:17 228.546 INF Saving 386 of chunks took 383ms
    2018-03-27T18:36:17 228.552 INF [steamworks.NET] Stopping server
    2018-03-27T18:36:17 228.575 INF [steamworks.NET] Exiting Lobby
    2018-03-27T18:36:17 228.595 INF World.Unload
    2018-03-27T18:36:17 228.701 INF Exited thread thread_GenerateChunks
    2018-03-27T18:36:18 229.595 INF Exited thread thread_Pathfinder
    2018-03-27T18:36:18 229.596 INF World.Cleanup
    2018-03-27T18:36:18 229.609 INF Exited thread thread_Regenerating
    2018-03-27T18:36:18 229.609 INF Exited thread HQ
    2018-03-27T18:36:20 231.504 INF Persistent GamePrefs saved
    2018-03-27T18:36:20 231.504 INF Cleanup
    2018-03-27T18:36:20 231.505 WRN Missing cleanup for XML: sounds
    2018-03-27T18:36:20 231.518 INF AchievementManager.Cleanup
    2018-03-27T18:36:20 232.134 INF OnApplicationQuit

  4. Looks like something is amis in the Wolf Group


    Yup... any idea what that is or where I might find it? I've been digging through files all over the place looking for the WolfGroup and am coming up blank.

  5. Spawn Error in 2.2


    I'm using the latest version of ModLauncher to load up Ravenhearst 2.2 (we're not yet ready to give up this save and start 3.0 yet) - however, we're getting this error almost constantly. I even did a fresh load of the mod to make sure the files didn't somehow get corrupted, but still the same issue. Here's the error code from the output_log


    2018-03-27T17:14:03 403.294 INF Spawning screamer horde zombie from WolfGroup
    NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
     at EntityGroups.GetRandomFromGroup (System.String _sEntityGroupName) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
     at AIWanderingHordeSpawner.YZ (.World , Single ) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
     at AIWanderingHordeSpawner.Update (.World world, Single dt) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
     at AIDirectorWanderingHordeComponent.BW (Single ) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
     at AIDirectorWanderingHordeComponent.Tick (Double _dt) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
     at AIDirector.UZ (Double ) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
     at AIDirector.Tick (Double dt) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
     at World.OnUpdateTick (Single _partialTicks, ArraySegment`1 _activeChunks) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
     at GameManager.JQ () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
     at GameManager.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 


    I'm just posting one single instance here as an example, however in-game, there's a HUGE line of red "INF Spawning screamer horde zombie from WolfGroup Null ReferenceException..." error messages popping up just about any time I walk next to a building. The output_log seems like it's a mile long with all the errors that popped up.


    Obviously, someplace is calling to an unknown or undefined filename and that's the issue. However, I don't know which command it is, where this command is located, nor which file it needs to call. Can anyone help please?


    This has only happened since 3.0 came out - everything was working perfectly on Sunday.


    EDIT TO ADD: I just read the previous threads about the GitHub desync, and while I think that may have been part of the problem that I originally had when I first loaded the game, I DID do the correction suggested, and deleting the mod entirely and re-installing it clean. That completely solved my initial "can't load the game" issue (that I didn't even mention above because it was solved), but even re-installing the mod clean and a full reboot of my entire system, I'm getting that sleeper spawning error issue.


    EDIT #2: Here's the pastebin of my output log https://pastebin.com/9Rb0RqqF

  6. Mac Help


    Thank you so much for all of the time and effort making this mod! It's great and I will enjoy playing it :D


    I do have a question, however (and maybe a solution to people with Mac issues):


    The way the graphic files are called in the xml files (specifically controls.xml, styles.xml, and windows.xml) doesn't really work with the Mac system. I've gone through and changed them to the correct file path no problem.


    However, within the game, the Mod itemicons don't show up (vanilla itemicons are fine). So, for example, any of the items added to the mod are blank with just the quantity or quality number in the inventory, toolbelt, or craft list. I'm making do with hovering over to get the description for now, but being able to quickly search through my inventory would be such a timesaver.


    Will you please let me know which files those "itemicons" are called in to so I can update the file paths properly? Sorry if listing out all the filenames is a pain. I've tried searching on my own and I can't find them myself.

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