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Posts posted by Melcene

  1. As I mentioned in my post, our current port is 21158. So I try inputting our new IP into address line of the browser, and have tried 21160 as well as several other ports that all seemed like they might work, but no luck.



    Wait... I figured it out! While our port is 21158, when I looked in the config options, it turned out the control panel port was 21168. So I tried 21170 and that worked!


    Thanks Sylen!


    Ok I lied. Sorta. That is the correct port and IP, but for some reason we keep getting the error

    [h=1]An error occured or you have not logged in. Try logging in with the Steam login in the lower left![/h]even though it shows in the lower left that we are already logged in. I have the permissions set correctly in the serveradmin.xml file, but I'm not sure if I'm missing something somewhere else.

  2. The map is console port +2. So if your console was on 25002, then the map would be on 25004. Check the console port in the server config for your current setup.


    As I mentioned in my post, our current port is 21158. So I try inputting our new IP into address line of the browser, and have tried 21160 as well as several other ports that all seemed like they might work, but no luck.



    Wait... I figured it out! While our port is 21158, when I looked in the config options, it turned out the control panel port was 21168. So I tried 21170 and that worked!


    Thanks Sylen!

  3. Hi Alloc - easy question for you (I hope).


    We were previously with one server hosting company, and had the mod installed on that server, and were able to access the map using port 25004 (and I don't remember the specific IP off the top of my head).


    We've just changed to another server hosting company, and I installed the mod on that server, and am unable to access the map, whether I use 25004, or change the last digit on our current game port of 21158.


    Is there something I need to set somewhere? I can't recall. Thank you!

  4. Not sure what you did but at least the log says your user had permission level of 1000:

    2015-08-14T23:52:11 127.299 INF Steam OpenID login from with ID 76561198040081821, permission level 1000


    And you also could not execute 'sa' in game for this reason:

    2015-08-15T00:09:22 1158.438 INF Denying command 'sa' from client Melcene


    So you have to make your user level 0 (by using the admin command) *or* set the required permissions for the web modules (webpermission command) to 1000 (if just for logged in users) or 2000 (for everyone).


    Yeah I have it set to 2000, but for some reason it looks like it showed up as 1000. I've noticed that the Command Persmissions thingie says this:


    cmd : This is the command name, any command not in this list will not be usable by anyone but the server.   permission level : 0-1000, a user may run any command equal to or above their permission level.


    But your post is helpful - I think I know what I need to do. I will try!


    I figured it all out. It was my still semi-newbness with xml. Everything in the admin xml still has the stupid <!-- --> around it... making it null. Also figured out how to add additional commands to my admin xml. Yay! Things should work tonight!

  5. Both of you: after logging in on the web page please provide the server log: https://7dtd.illy.bz/wiki/Logs


    @Melcene: Did it work for you when you tried with the required permissions set to 2000?


    Did not work after setting permissions to 2000. But you mentioned required permissions; am I missing something? Gameservers does things a bit differently: when installing your mod, I do it directly through their page, like so:


    And then when updating the server admin file, same thing, like so:


    And here is the log file: http://pastebin.com/xBsiDpP3 (You'll note I simply logged in and out to see if the map would work.)

  6. I must just be really confused with the last few changes. I had to wait for Gameservers to implement the patch from a couple days ago for Alloc's mod.. but it skipped that one and did not pass Go, went directly to rev. 250 (5_7_9). So I updated that, logged in real quick, logged out, reloaded the map IP, no luck. Changed admin settings back to 0 (they were at 2000 just to try that last time when 0 was no longer working), and still no luck. I'm sorry, please remind me what log is needed, or maybe what i need to change to get our map working again?


  7. Did you login through Steam, and are you listed in the admin file with permission level 0?


    Yes to both, initially. I found some thread about Alloc's changes that said to change permissions to 1000 if you're logged in through steam, and so I tried that too, but no luck either way. No idea how to get it to work. I just keep getting:



    And if you notice, down at the lower left, I'm already logged in with my SteamID.

  8. So we run our server through GameServers, and I just updated to the latest Alloc's (which they provide on the site). Game still works fine, but now our IP:25004/static/index.html page is telling me that an error has occurred or I don't have the permission. I am listed as an admin on the server's serverconfig file, but not sure what else I may need to change. Any help?

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