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Posts posted by Cruiser

  1. If I'm not mistaken, the tactical is based on a M4, which uses 5.56... I guess they use the same ammo, to make it easier for people to administer their ammo production/consumption.

    That they don't do the same amount of damage, probably comes down to the above.

    the tactical isn't fullauto either, you have to mod it for that feature. The M60 comes full auto, so you can add an other mod.

    But yes, there is no benefit from using the tactical for other purposes than as a backup..

    And then there is the rarety of those guns... I haven't found a since of them, at any decent quality, and the M60 is quite often a mission reward.

  2. Let's be honest, I have no idea where to put this, but this seems as good as any other place.

    I play a lightly modded MP server (most settings are vanilla, but we had the admin increase bullet stacks to 300, max level is 300 and we have respawning cars on the server, which is the only mod installed). We also had the owner enabled the log spikes for passive fortification against screamers.

    I myself, love the farming aspect, unfortunately, that also comes with some "problems". Me and my friend, have been playing since A10.4, so we have a great understanding of the game.

    Now, to my proposals.

    The return of the lead and brass ingots. I know, some people are having a hard time getting brass and finding other key materials, but that is simply becuse they don't know how to abuse the game itself. There are tons of sources for brass. cars, inhouse radiators, aircons, lamps etc etc. Not forgetting Wasteland Treasures volume 5 (brass from doors).

    I have included a screenshot of my current stockpile (yes, I said stockpile) of brass, which has, in lack of a better word, come to the amount of stupid. We get regular bullets from missions, we smelt those to get casings, and then we craft the AP we need (7.62 and shotgun) in bulk (stacks of 100). So far, I managed to have a permanent upkeep of a reserve of 13 stacks of shotgun AP ammo and a full crate of 7.62 AP ammo. all in stacks. And then there is the "overflow" of bullets that I smelted into good old fashioned brass. That now almost fulls a writable crate. I added SS of both types of ammo we use.
    And no, nothing we have, is admin powered. all is farmed the legit way. with legit tools and weapons.

    Current day on the server is 216, daytime is 18/6 and spans over 2 IRL hours.

    What I would love to get back, is the brass ingot. "Cooking" something like 1.000 brass and 50 clay into 1 ingot (at the cost of fuel and clay), would be awesome. or just have it at the same "cost" as forged iron, would be nice. Even the lead ingot would be usefull, as the only thing you can do to lead, is either 6k stacks or pack them into stacks (6k pr stack).





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