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Posts posted by Yurgeta

  1. holy mother of god.. i did not expect an actual car style engine that's so awesome because it also ties into alpha 17's new vehicles too, the recipe looks about right part wise.. not to many of the new parts required but lots of rubber and wires is a good combo. I'd say u got that spot on dude..


    also glad u recognized the item description for tools would be greatly beneficial since u can use more than the available slots now, this mod is getting better with each preview, 7dtd team should just hire you and make all your ui changed official as well as add all your tweaks and balances etc. this is defiantly a mod i will be fallowing closely. Man you got me so excited for god knows whatelse u can add to spice gameplay up

  2. newest screenshots are looking good, enjoying the mod so far there is a lot more variety when it comes down to items, especially food.

    Would it be possible to add in the item descriptions for the tools like wielding torch to state which they belong into since your interface you dont show the "shadow img" unlike how the original one had (ie forge showed us anvil, tool set, calipers".


    Also any plans to do the compass area of the screen, the main screen is so well designed the compass is in much need of a redo XD.

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