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  1. That's not an error, it's a warning and it's safe to ignore. I added some lines of code to avoid compatibility issues with other mods, but you don't have any conflicting mods, so the code I added does nothing for you, and the game doesn't know if that was on purpose or not, so it shows you that warning telling you that those lines of code didn't have any effect.
  2. The first part of the YouTube series I mentioned before premieres in a few hours
  3. @Ganeshakw I am not aware of any overhaul mods (or modpacks) including any of my mods yet, and it makes sense because I started releasing mods relatively recently. That being said, nocloud4u recommends installing 7 Days of Insomnia along with his Cloud Mod. I am also not aware of any of these yet, but I know GrimmStone Media is working on one and will hopefully release the first part soon-ish. He reached out to me a few weeks ago to ask me to make a tweaked version of 7 Days of Insomnia for him to use it in his videos and showed me the script for the first few episodes, and I did it, so I'm looking forward to seeing how that turns out. I'm not sure if I should say what I know, but apparently, he gathered a team of developers and they are working on a big project where he will showcase multiple mods, including mine.
  4. I hope you love what's coming next too. Some big mods and updates on the way 😁
  5. Byteblazar's Screamers updated to v1.0.0.1:
  6. 7 Days of Insomnia updated to v1.3.1.0 (Time Skip Patch updated to v1.2.1.0) Full changelog:
  7. If you mean this one, I looked at it before but I did not try it. I normally prefer to make the game challenging in ways other than making enemies stronger in terms of stats because I find bullet sponges boring to fight. Same reason I've never played in Warrior or higher difficulty. I very much prefer fast and numerous enemies rather than tanky ones that hit hard. Plus this helps avoid some frustrating situations, for example having a player die just because they lagged for a second (when they normally would have survived). It's a matter of tastes at the end of the day. I like challenging gameplay, that's the whole reason I started modding this game in the first place, but make the game unreasonably punishing and it will get frustrating instead.
  8. I must have been too sleepy, ironically. I presume using a buff parameter for trying to set a cvar is what triggered this: action="ModifyCVar" buff="$bb7doiInsomniaCounter" operation="set" value="0" ... but in my absolutely not vast experience messing up like this while modding this game, normally such minor mistakes result in less catastrophic errors that are handled more gracefully (like null reference exceptions, etc). I hope you folks can improve either the parsing of the XML files or the error handling in the future to avoid this one error at least, because while it might be an edge case (a mistake), its consequences are devastating. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.
  9. I finally got around to doing some more troubleshooting/testing and I've narrowed down the culprit (as far as the XML is involved): <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffUpdate" action="RemoveBuff" buff="bb7doi_buffInsomnia"> <requirement name="CVarCompare" cvar="$bb7doiInsomniaCounter" operation="LTE" value="0"/> </triggered_effect> <!-- The following triggers the error with or without requirement child nodes and whether it comes first or last in the effect group--> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffRemove" action="ModifyCVar" buff="$bb7doiInsomniaCounter" operation="set" value="0"> <requirement name="CVarCompare" cvar="$bb7doiInsomniaCounter" operation="NotEquals" value="0"/> </triggered_effect> This means I've find a workaround for my mod, but I'm sharing this because the underlying issue remains (correct me if I'm wrong but I see no reason why this should break the game). Anyway, I hope that helps.
  10. Looking at my logs, I feel like b325 might have been ok. I can't be 100% sure because I wasn't testing that buff the whole time (and it does not trigger regularly to begin with), but hopefully that helps you narrow things down.
  11. Hello, I'm not entirely sure about the last version this buff worked properly on because of the unfortunate timing for me to work on that buff before releasing the mod, and your frequent hotfixes and whatnot. I released the mod on the 21st and you guys pushed 3 patches on that day I believe. I wish I could roll back and test myself to give a more helpful reply, but my best guess is b317 was the last one where it worked correctly. Good luck and keep it up folks!
  12. Summary: Game consistently throws ArgumentNullException whenever a specific buff from my mod expires. Game Version: V1.0 b328 OS/Version: Microsoft Windows 10 Pro 10.0.19045 Build 19045 CPU Model: Intel Core i3-10105F System Memory: 32 GB GPU Model and VRAM: nVidia GTX 1650 4 GB Screen Resolution: 1680x1050 Video Settings: Custom Game mode: SP Map: Navezgane Did you wipe old saves? Yes Did you start a new game? Yes Did you validate your files? Yes Are you using any mods? Yes Did you try to reproduce without mods? No EAC on or off? Off Bug Description: The game consistently throws ArgumentNullException in a seemingly infinite loop whenever a specific buff from my mod 7 Days of Insomnia (v1.0.0.0b) expires, regardless of it expiring due to time running out and triggering a RemoveBuff, or by removing the buff from the console with the debuff command. The buff icon never disappears from the HUD, but the display_value does. Upon closing the game (with alt+F4), starting it again, and loading the same save, the loop triggers again but this time it does so immediately, without any input. The HUD continues to display the buff icon just as before without a display_value. The only way to resolve the issue seems to be starting a new save, but the same problem occurs in the new save the moment that specific buff expires, regardless of the map chosen. One user of my mod reported experiencing the same issue with the same buff. Detailed steps to reproduce the bug: 1) Launch the game. 2) Start a new game in Navezgane. 3) Enter this console command after the character loads into the world: buff bb7doi_buffinsomnia 4) Wait for 1 to 10 seconds. 5) Enter this console command: debuff bb7doi_buffinsomnia Actual result: (description of what is occurring) Console shows ArgumentNullException repeatedly nonstop. Expected result: (what you expect to occur) Buff is removed from character. Link to Pastebin Output Log: https://pastebin.com/raw/pP5mFM1P
  13. Just dumping my stuff here. Unless otherwise noted, all of my mods are server-side. 7 Days of Insomnia: The most advanced and immersive sleeping system. Scientifically tested and proven to improve gameplay tenfold. Just click the link and read the list of features. Or don't. You are welcome either way. No Enemy Indicators: Does what it implies on the tin. Hides enemy indicators typically seen during clear quests (but not orange markers). Byteblazar's Screamers: Makes screamers more challenging to face, mainly by tweaking their AI and other parameters so they are sneakier, run faster, and avoid direct confrontation. They can also leap. Their HP or other combat-related stats are untouched. These changes give them much better chances of summoning scout hordes, as they will sneak up on you and keep some distance as they chase you around screaming. Chill Screamer-chans: If challenging screamers are not up your alley, this one makes screamers harmless and a tad smaller. Made by request, but apparently multiple people secretly wanted this. Creeps. Mute Traders: Also made by request. Self-explanatory name. You can pick individual traders to make quiet, or mute them all. I'm not judging. More mods to come in the near future, as soon as I update and polish some of my old unreleased mods, and some other fancy ones are also planned. Gameplay is my specialty, so that's what you can expect the most from me as a modder.
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