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Posts posted by monkeydude40

  1. Ahhh the Atari 2600 :nevreness:(I'm getting Misty Eyed now). Bring back fake wood veneer for the next PlayStation !!


    Anyhoo before I get all nostalgic (honestly I miss the days before nostalgia) I have a serious request to make of the Dev team. I have tried your business email contact and Twitter but I am not sure how often they are monitored.


    I run a small Fan site called `Stories from the Apocalypse` which is a real labor of love. I really enjoy designing and tweaking the different elements. I also like drawing tattoo designs and have done alot of work on IMVU designing avatar clothing.


    I would really love to do a Q&A style interview with the team which I could include on my site. I was thinking maybe half a dozen questions via email which hopefully you could all give answers to. I would then transcribe and include it under a new section. Something along the lines of `Pimp Talking` as opposed to `Jive Talking`... I think I am showing my age, now I can't get the Bee Gees out of my head..


    Anyway I would appreciate if you could give this some consideration and let me know at your convenience.


    Take care and mind the Zeds :)


    Monkeydude40/MonkeyEmperor/or just plain old John


    Webmaster `Stories from the Apocalypse`http://john-rhys32.wix.com/7daystodie

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