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Posts posted by Bluewolf222

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    Hey, I've been a fan of this game for 2 years now(1414 hours of playtime thus far) and enjoy all the updates. I like the idea of the new massive zombie. I think it would be interesting if he could grab items(boulders, cars ect and throw them). With the resurrecting zombie I think its great if you add the new ways to kill zombies as already mentioned in alpha 16. I enjoyed the spider zombie as it forces the player to secure building tops. I think the opposite would be great as well. Zombie that could dig. Again forcing the player to rethink building strategies. I'm very glad that you continue to develop the game unlike many many other alpha survival games. If players level up and become harder to kill you could also have zombies that do the same? The longer they are around the more xp they aquire and the harder they are to kill. Another comment i read and one that is very common among hard core gamers especially survival games is the degree of difficulty and being able to set that to hardcore glad to here your adding the die once and your dead mode. Another option would be to limit food and water as a separate category again forcing the player out in to the environment or farming. An addition to this is food going bad. It kinds sucks we can farm forever and never worry about food/water this would add another element to survival aspect. Crops that are not watered or die off because of weather or you need to fertilize to grow? I have played about 14 or so true survival games out there many of the new ones and this one is the best so far. Ark has some great elements as well, however you have captured the single player mode better. The idea of bandits I realize is far off however this would again compliment the game in that after awhile in mid to late game we get bored because we have all the ♥♥♥♥ we need and it needs to be taken or destroyed to add that mid to late game challenge. The trading post is could be added to by having dogs around it to increase the difficulty. Another option would be a traveling trader?? Another aspect with the bandits would be bandit camps you could raid with bandits who of course could shoot back.

    Trees grow back too fast providing too many resources. You need a decay system where things are not so permanent with food, crops, water ect... Ark incorporates this well. I know this isn't ark, just thinking of the stuff i like in other survival games. zombie vulture- great!

    Anyway, a few suggestions that may be helpful. Keep up the great work and please don't stop improving the game I and others have enjoyed each update. Looking to add to my 1400+ hours played. Hope the dev team had some great holidays! Looking forward to alpha 16!!!

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