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Peter Daines

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Posts posted by Peter Daines

  1. 1 hour ago, meganoth said:

    There is or was a mod to have a working tv or monitor in-game, never used it so I can't judge if it is possible to use it that way. But one thing is certain, you would need a mod to do this, this late in development I am quite sure it won't be added as a feature by TFP.


    Also a bit of warning, an underground bunker isn't easy to manage, you need lots of automatic traps, otherwise zombies will eventually dig through your walls and surprise you 😉



    For the zombies you don't need trapdoors. Just use spike traps openly and (very important) plant them flush with the ground. I.e. just dig one-block deep rows of holes and put the spike traps into those holes so that the top of a spike trap is the same height as the ground floor.

    Zombies will treat spike blocks identical to dirt blocks so a spike trap on top of the ground would be an obstacle while dug-in spike traps just look like flat ground. And once a spike trap is broken there is only a hole left that will be considered an obstacle as well so the zombies will then run over the spike trap next to it.


    No idea if bandits will be intelligent enough to see the spike traps though.


    Thank you for your reply,


    I understand the development is already very far. I will stick with what the original designers gives me, because I am not a mod fan. :D 


    Regarding that underground base. I know zombies tend to go straight to you, so I only built the cellar under the house as a storage and workplace for workstation and the panic room just for show. :) I am defending my house above and my house is surrounded with a wide and deep steel moat. They just fall in and I shoot them from the higher ground. :D But it is true that few times they managed to break through into the cellar during the blood moon. HAHA. 

  2. Hello there,


    I have been playing this game for a few months now, but I am totally new to this forum so this idea may have been posted by someone already. 


    I  am playing single player in Navezgane. I always appreciate any kind of RPs and interactions in games and I got this idea...


    Would it be possible in the future to connect all my cameras to one crafted monitor where I could oversees my base entrances, or better yet taking control over turrets remotly? 


    Now this may sound a little bit wierd and unnecessary for the gameplay but, I just recently dig out a panic room under my house and while hearing the monsters out there it would be fun to watch them crawl around from my save place or interact further at a distance. 😁


    Also, would it be possible in the future to add a trapdoor with spikes under it? Something that would be invisible to the eyes of the hostiles so they would step on it and fall through? Or maybe remotly open it by myself when a zombie/zombies are standing on it? (This idea I wrote because zombies are smart and they are bypassing digged holes).


    Please let me know what do you think about this. It is nothing serious just some spice for the fun. 


    Have a great day everyone. 

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