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Posts posted by ZuluBtw

  1. hey all -

    the small friend group I play with will be playing soon, and since we've played a fair share on default settings, I decided we will be playing on Warrior difficulty, with Sprinting zombies (I would go higher but I dont think they would like the big jump) - one thing is for certain though, there is a chance that a "freeze" can happen when attempting to open loot, and with a higher difficulty and faster zombies, this will lead to some unfair hits and even death, I fear.

    I was just wondering, is it possible to make a buff that would only pop up when attempting to loot and or when an active window is open? a buff that would give you invincibility to damage and debuffs, but only while looting and with UI windows up. I know the people I play with would not exploit such a feature, so im not worried about that, it is just a means of QOL as the game will sometimes freeze on window openings/looting for upwards of 4 seconds.

    (P.S yes I know it is a skill issue to not wait until the area is fully clear if you dont want to be hit, but the random freezing is not - please keep the comments on topic, thank you)

  2. On 2/28/2024 at 8:12 PM, MackA said:

    Hey there, I'm struggling with the Wandering Hordes mod. I have it saved in the appropriate mods folder for 7 days set my frequency to 4-8 hours but I haven't seen a single horde come through other than the base game 7 zombies that appear to spawn every 12 hours or so (My hordes have set to 20-40 so I should see a difference in them no?) I let the game run for 2 ingame 30 minutes days and only saw those small hordes nothing bigger.

    you turned EAC off as well right? also the maximum zombie count in the files could be limiting it, depending on if you ever edited that

  3. 13 hours ago, BFT2020 said:

    What is your game difficulty setting?  Scavenger doubles player damage while Adventurer is 150%.  Nomad would be just a simple 100% of player damage.

    13 hours ago, BFT2020 said:

    What is your game difficulty setting?  Scavenger doubles player damage while Adventurer is 150%.  Nomad would be just a simple 100% of player damage.

    the world im testing things in is set to Adventurer (default), but I am probably going to change it to nomad or warrior when I do a real game.

    the difficulty setting boosting player damage makes sense, thank you - I find it strange they didnt reflect that in the item/weapon numbers

    12 hours ago, FranticDan said:

    All damage using "perc_add" adds to the base damage. Lets say the base dmg is 50, and your weapon is Q6, this adds 50% base dmg, so now its 75. This buff you mention adds "1", which would total 125. The buff adds 100% of the base damage.

    does the quality not reflect in the stat numbers? I thought it did.. I was using a level 3 steel club

    another poster replied here saying that it could be the difficulty settings, due to the game apparently boosting your damage the lower difficulty the game is, which I had no idea existed - its also possible, since I am playing on default settings (Adventurer)

    thank you both for replying! I will test the difficulty settings in a bit here, as thats probably why the damage seems off.

  4. so after looking at it again, it seems like the club is getting +36 damage added to it no matter what entity damage I set it at, (power attack text saying 72, but giving actual 108 hits), in which case the entity damage scaling makes sense, if you account for this +36 damage... but I dont know where that 36 damage is coming from? I dont have any other perks / mods / etc.. as I said, and this +36 damage is getting added without my buff active.

  5. hi all - 3rd post here, it has me wondering if theres a discord so I dont have to make threads on multiple things, lol...

    anyways - I have created a custom buff that triggers on kill, and increases your speed + damage - that all works perfectly fine, however, the damage doesnt seem to make sense.

    my custom buff mod works as follows: when you get a killing blow, you gain X speed and X entity damage for your next attack, with the final rank being "1" entity damage (which I figured was just doubling your damage), but when I test this in game, it seems to do not deal the damage I would expect. I bumped the number up to "3" entity damage as a different test, and my results were:

    level 3 steel club:

    power attack on bears side = 108 damage
    power attack on bears side with buff = 255 damage

    a difference of 147 damage

    I then modified the entity damage in my custom buff to "2.5", and the numbers were:

    power attack on bears side = 108 (as usual)
    power attack on bears side with buff = 230 damage

    lowering the entity damage by .5 changed the club damage by 25 points.

    there must be some sort of set number it is scaling off of, im not sure what, because using the power attack damage as reference does not line up with the numbers im seeing, and using the power attack numbers on the club itself doesnt add up (it would be 219 damage if tripled, which doesnt account for an extra 36 damage) - I am just wondering if anyone can point me in the right direction here (P.S: I did not have any any perk points spent + I did not have mods on my club)

  6. thank you for the help! I tried to reply a little earlier but the post didnt seem to go through. this is the second time you've replied to my thread, so I just want to say thank you for helping out, as I appreciate it, and im sure many others do too. I will be editing the loot / containers stuff later tonight, if I cant get it to work I will repost in here, but I believe I understand how it works now, so thanks!

  7. Hi all, I have a problem with custom loot regarding Buried Treasure.

    I am not really a modder by any means, but I wanted to buff what you could find inside the Buried Treasure (from the maps that randomly drop) due to them feeling lackluster compared to just.. farming quests or farming the mats for bullets (since these boxes basically just drop bullets and money)


    here is the loot.xml modlet I made:



    <append xpath="/lootcontainers/lootgroup[@name='groupBuriedTreasure']" >

            <!--SKILL BOOKS-->
            <item group="skillMagazines" count="2,4" prob="0.60" />
            <!--RARE FOOD/DRINK-->        
            <item group="groupDrinksRare" count="2,5" prob="0.75" />
            <item group="rareFoodDrink" count="2,5" prob="0.75" />    
            <!--IRON/STEEL AND FIBER-->
            <item group="groupCraftingRare" count="1,4" prob="0.85" />    
            <!--WEAPON MOD BUNDLES BOOKS-->
            <item name="questRewardT1MeleeModsBundle" count="1" prob="0.75" />
            <item name="questRewardT2MeleeModsBundle" count="1" prob="0.45" />
            <item name="questRewardT3MeleeModsBundle" count="1" prob="0.15" />
            <item name="questRewardT1RangedModsBundle" count="1" prob="0.75" />
            <item name="questRewardT2RangedModsBundle" count="1" prob="0.45" />
            <item name="questRewardT3RangedModsBundle" count="1" prob="0.15" />        
            <!--RARE TOOLS-->        
            <item name="meleeToolPickT3Auger" count="1" prob="0.02" />
            <item name="meleeToolAxeT3Chainsaw" count="1" prob="0.02" />
            <!--RARE APPAREL-->
            <item name="apparelCoatJacketLetterZU" count="1" prob="0.3" />
            <item name="apparelRunningShoesHP" count="1" prob="0.3" />

    none of these percentages are finalized, I just wanted to see the functionality/see if I could get it working, and the items do spawn in these Treasure Chests, but they seem to spawn with 100% certainty, which I do not want. for example, I wanted the auger/chainsaw to have a very low drop chance (between 1-2% or static 2%) but after opening a few boxes, it seems to always drop everything. I think maybe I misread the function of the "prob" parameter as I thought that would limit the chance of it appearing in the chest.


  8. hello all - I had done some searching around for some answers to a question I had - is it possible to create a perk that gives players dukes/currency on zombie kills? well, from what I had gathered, this is not possible, and the next best way would be involving lootbags.

    with that in mind, is it possible to create a perk (with 4 levels) that has a static 25% chance to drop a lootbag containing between X - Y dukes, and each level invested into such a perk increases the X - Y value? I believe that would require two things:

    1. the game has to do a check for if the player who did the kill has any points put into the perk in the first place, so that the bag could only drop for people who leveled it at all
    2. the game would have to drop up to 4 different lootbags to scale in correspondence with the perks level


    I am not a modder, at best I can change numerical values on things, but I am curious if such a perk could even be possible to create within the constraints of the games coding - I would attempt to learn and make such a mod if its possible, which is why I ask here.

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